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The only light in my apartment was coming from a crack in my bedroom door, where I assumed Harry was. My shoes were in hand, as I took them off shortly after I began walking. Heels were not fun to walk two hours in.

The time on the stove read one in the morning, so obviously I assumed that Harry wasn't going to be up, boy was I wrong.

It was completely quiet, so I shut the door as carefully as possible, careful to not wake up Harry.

I jumped when he came out of the bedroom with his phone in hand, looking very angry.

"Isabella," His voice dripped with anger.

I became increasingly worried with every step he took towards me. He almost never used my full name, and when he did this wasn't ever the tone he used.

"Um, yes?" I asked in confusion. I was confused as to why he would be so mad, I didn't do anything to provoke him, what had happened?

"What the fuck is this?" He asked, holding up his phone which showed a picture of Rick and I kissing. "And why are you home so late?"

"Harry, I--"

"Why do you do this to me Bella?"

"Do what? Why are you acting like this?"

"You told me that you were just going out with him to talk about work. Not make out with him. You lied Bella. You fucking lied to me."

Every word he spoke with laced with hostility, dripping with venom. I still was unsure why he was feeling the way he was. Was this our first argument?

"Harry, please calm down. I've had a long night and I'm exhausted, can we please just sit down and talk? You aren't exactly making it easy for me to figure out what's going on cause you keep yelling." I spoke calmly, trying to ease his anger.

"You just had to go and kiss him Isabella. I cannot believe you. You're actually insane." He shook his head, laughing in anger.

After everything that happened this week, I wouldn't allow anybody to talk to me the way he was without any reason as to why. Genuinely, I had no clue why he was acting this way.

"If you would stop for a second and let me speak, he kissed me! I was walking home for the past two hours because I didn't want to get in a car with him. Why the fuck do you care so much anyways? You're being an ass!" I yelled back at him, equally as loud.

He laughed dryly, "You're really that clueless, huh? As if I'm not making it obvious enough."

"Can you please stop using melodramatic hints and actually tell me what the fuck is going on? Why the hell are you acting like this?"

"Because I love you! I'm in so much fucking love with you it hurts me Bella."

The room suddenly fell silent. It was the type of silence that almost pained you, one that you never wanted to experience because of the great amount of tension floating through the air.

He realized what he said and looked at me, searching my face for any reaction I might have regarding what he just said.

I backed up, leaning against the counter, taking in what he said.

"Please say something Bella." He whispered.

I shook my head, not wanting to make eye contact with him. "You can't love me Harry, there's no-- there's no way."

"Why can't I?"

"Because you're my best friend."

"That's all the more reason to love you," Tears started forming in his eyes.

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