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this is my favourite chapter that i've written enjoy reading xoxo

Harry's lips pressed small kisses to my neck as he thrusted repeatedly, making me moan and run my fingers through his hair.

"Har... Harry," I breathed.

"You're so beautiful Bella... So beautiful." He mumbled while kissing my collar bone.

My nails dug into Harry's back as we both rode out our highs. I unwrapped my legs from his waist and leaned back into the wall, my chest rising up and down as Harry kissed me once more.

"If that's what it felt like while we were drunk then I wish I would have been sober," He chuckled, grabbing a towel and turning the water off.

I giggled and shook my head, following in his actions and grabbing a towel. I wrapped it around my chest and made my way into the bedroom. I grabbed a simple outfit, jean shorts and a hoodie. There was no need to dress up for this occasion, I just want to get it over and done with.

Once changed I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Now I began to feel nervous, seeing Rick and going to the place where I was assaulted was the last thing that I wanted to do today.

"Are you okay love?" Harry asked, walking into the kitchen now clothed and seemingly worried.

"Yeah just, a bit scared I guess."

"I'll be there with you the entire time, I promise." He kissed my forehead. "Do you want me to drive?"

I nodded my head and grabbed my phone, Harry grabbed his keys and we headed out the door.

The entire ride to the bar my leg was bouncing and my heart was racing. I just hoped we could walk inside and walk out quickly.

We got out of the range rover and Harry instinctively intertwined our fingers and gave my hand a small squeeze. I took a deep breath before we stepped inside the bar.

The smell of whiskey and body odour hung in the air, making the atmosphere feel constricting and humid. My chest felt heavy as the door closed behind us and I was faced with where my assault took place.

Harry seemed to sense my nervousness as he turned to me. "I can go back there and talk to him if you want to wait in the car,"

I shook my head. "No, that's okay. I just want to do this quickly."

He nodded and we made our way to the back hallway, passing a few of the coworkers that I didn't become very close with.

I knocked on the door and Harry pressed a kiss to my knuckles, squeezing my hand again showing that he was there for support.

Rick opened the door, his smile dropping as soon as he laid eyes on Harry standing behind me.

"Come in," He waved his hand.

We both stepped inside the small room while Rick shut the door and walked over to his desk, shuffling a few papers around before handing me an envelope which I presumed to be my cheque.

"Do you have some time to talk before you go?" Rick asked.

"Depends on what its about." I spoke with a straight face.

"You still wanted to be transferred to a new location, right?"

I opened my mouth, then closed it. I didn't think that offer would still be up given the circumstances.

"I haven't really thought about it since uh, you know..."

Rick gulped and Harry straightened his posture. "Right, well I was gonna say if you do still want the job, one of my assistant managers just left at a location in the bronx. Of course, it's more of a manager position considering I can't be at multiple places at once. If you want it, the offers there. You don't need to give me an answer right now, but I'll need one soon."

"I'd love too." I smiled, without giving it any second thought.

I could be my own boss, plus it was a no brainer since the place was in the bronx. Even if I had to see Rick once every month, it was worth it because it was still a job. I didn't need to worry about being jobless.

"I'll text you the information, sometime this week we can meet there and go over the paperwork and everything."

I nodded. "Text me where and when and I'll be there."

Rick led us out of the bar, once outside Harry spoke.

"Are you sure you want to be working under Ricks thumb? Considering what he did... I want the best for you but this worries me babe."

I smiled at not only his concern, but the pet name he used. That was the first time he called me something other than 'Bella' or 'Love'. It was cute.

"Its okay Haz. I needed a job anyways, plus since I'll be acting manager I won't need to see him very often. It just seems too good to be true, plus it's in the Bronx! I'll be so close to my apartment." I spoke, trying to convince him and myself that all would be okay.

For the first time in awhile, it really did feel like everything would be okay.

Harry nodded his head, not pushing the question any further which I was glad for. I didn't want him influencing my decision on whether or not I would take the job. I needed to do this for myself.

We got back into the Range Rover and headed to the apartment, Harry's hand stayed on my thigh during the drive. All that could be heard was the quiet hum of the engine and cars honking their horns here and there.

I'm not quite sure why, but being present in this moment made me want to cry. I was overwhelmed with adoration and appreciation for the man sitting to my left. He handn't been back in my life for even a month and he changed me in ways I wouldn't be able to explain. He helped me through some of the most traumatizing things to happen during my life. Harry really did care about me in ways I didn't know were possible.

We soon pulled into the parking lot and got out, I didn't follow behind Harry though. I stayed stationary while he walked towards the building.

I noticed the way his white shirt hung loosely off his shoulders, and the sound that his black velvet boots made with every step he took. His hair was bouncing and flying in different directions due to the wind pickup, and his bicep muscles contracted when he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Bella?" He said, turning around and taking a few steps towards me.

"I love you." I said simply.

"What?" He looked taken back, and confused.

"I love you, Harry Styles."

A grin crept its way onto Harry's face as he walked towards me. He wrapped his arms around my torso and picked me up. He buried his face in my shoulder.

"And I love you, Isabella Anderson."

falling - harry stylesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang