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Monday and most of Tuesday were spent with all of us hanging around the house being lazy and watching movies. It was currently around noon, I'd have to start getting ready for work in about an hour. Rick said that me taking a week off wasn't a problem, he just wanted me to work a twelve hour shift before I went to make up for some of the missed time.

My mom and dad were in the kitchen cooking, Anne and Robin were packing their suitcases for tomorrow, Harry had gone on a run and Gemma and I were sitting in the livingroom.

"While everyone's gone, spill. What the hell is going on with you and Harry?"

I groaned, this conversation was not one I wanted to have. For the most part, nobody brought up what happened and I was thankful for it until now.

"Gem, I love you but this conversation is not happening."

"Come on Bella, you need to tell me."

"Lets go on a drive then, okay? I've gotta get food for work tonight anyways and I don't want anyone else to hear."

She mumbled an okay and got up to grab her shoes.

"Gemma and I are going to the store. Do you guys need anything? I asked, peaking my head around the wall.

"No sweetie. I think we're good, drive safe," My dad said.

I nodded and put my shoes on, grabbing my keys and following Gemma out the front door. On our way to my jeep Harry was coming up the driveway covered in sweat.

"Where are you ladies off to?" He smiled.

"The store. I've gotta get food for work tonight,"

"You're working tonight?" He looked confused.

"Yeah, twelve hour shift. I thought I told you," I shrugged.

"I'll drive you then, you'll be too tired to drive, I'll pick you up too,"

"Thanks Harry. We'll be back soon," I patted his shoulder.

Harry went inside while Gemma and I both got into the Jeep.

"What the hell Bella? You've really gotta tell me what's going on with you and Harry."

"There isn't much going on between us Gemma, but what I'm about to tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone."

She nodded and I pulled out of the driveway, beginning to tell her what happened, although I may have left out the part where Harry and I slept together and left it at we made out and the pictures leaked. She didn't need to know every little detail, right?

When we arrived at the grocery store she spoke for the first time since I told her what happened. "Has Cheryl still not spoken to you?"

I shook my head. "No, I texted her a couple days ago and I haven't heard anything back.

She nodded, looking deep in thought. "Okay, so my next question; how do you feel about Harry?"

"Um, well I'm not quite sure to be completely honest. I've been trying to ignore whatever feelings that I have towards him cause we couldn't be a thing."  I shrugged, scanning the things I bought and putting them into a bag.

"But why couldn't you be?"

I stopped and thought about it for a moment, "Cause we just couldn't Gem."

She sighed, no longer pressing the situation which I was thankful for.

We walked out of the store and got back into my car, driving back to the house.

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