Chapter #38: Malcolm's Oppsies

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⚠️Trigger warning: talk of r*pe⚠️
🌺Malcolm's P.O.V🚿

Master had ended up coming into the basement and sperating me from Levi and Pyro. Of course I didn't go out without a fight.

"I am sick and tired of hearing your guy's fucking conversations!" Master yelled walking into the door. "My kitten had fucking heard you down here and questioned!" "W-Wait...! K-Kitten doesn't kn-know about u-us...?!" Pyro yelped "B-But he's.. h-had.... s-sex.... wi-with.. m-me.. an-and a few others..!" Master snarled back at Pyro, slapping her hard in the face. "What my kitten and I like is none of your fucking business" "Ri-Right..." She cried out "S-Sorry master.. I-I didn't know..."

I growled ~How dare he treat her like that in front of my fucking face?!~ "What was that Foxy?" Master smirked looking to me "~I growled at you~" I scoffed "Ah, you've grown a pair I see. When did that happen? You were fucking pathetic before." ~How dare he fucking talk about Pink like that!~ I snarled louder "~I've had a pair this entire time!~" I struggled my arms, trying to free myself and out of the corner of my eye I could see Levi looking at me terrified.

"Someone's very eagered to get punished huh?" Master laughed "~Fucking try me!~" I snarled louder, my floppy dog ears and tail were showing outer as well as inner. Master chuckled and scoffed at my confidence, gripping my hair hard, he spoke "I will get Bull again, or maybe this time It'll be Bad Boy or Bright Eyes. Give you more of a challenge to fight off. I am getting sick and tired of you disobeying me." Our 'Master' spoke angrily yet calmly to me.

"~Yea, like I give a shit~" I snarled back to Master, Master's ears went back as he grabbed my neck. "Listen Foxy." "~Like fuck am I going to~" I rolled my eyes, choking a bit. Master gripped my neck tighter, no longer choking me nicely. He started to untie me from the chair, my eyebrows furrowed and I switched pouncing onto Master with a loud snarl knocking him down causing him to hit his head he was now unconscious.

"Blue!" Levi yelled "Untie us! Quickly!" I snarled to them breaking down the door, my brain wasn't working with the intent on saving anyone, just killing who had harmed my system and family. I walked through the door only to be quickly attacked by another two werewolves, of which were working with this asshole. I went to pounce on one of them but I felt a sharp pain in my side a bang going off just before the pain hit me. I fell to the ground whimpering switching back to 'human'.

Looking around I saw everyone who was in the in the room... Three men who were in a jail cell, Bently and Temraki tied together in chairs, Marco who was in a small dog cage, and Luna who was chained to the wall just beside the jail cell. Just as the world turned to black I felt one werewolf pick me up with a snicker, he spoke to me as well. "Looks like you ain't going to make it outta here alive anytime soon." He laughed "Master will torture you" Everything had gone black for a moment, vision coming back to me and going away once again.

I was carried off and tossed into the room Pink had previously been in, the one where everyone was being questioned? Yea, that one. I landed on the hard concrete ground hitting my head as I was thrown. I held my side harshly pain shooting me hard now, the pain wasn't only in my side but in my head. I laid on the ground for Irene knows how long losing and gaining consciousness before I finally started to move.

"~What the fuck did they do to me?~" I growled pulling myself into a sitting position, my back against a wall as I held my side in pain. "~Shoot me? Stab me? What's going on here...?~" I was already assuming I had been shot because there was a loud bang before the pain. Removing the body's hoodie I looked at the wound, making a bowl under it blood pouring into my hand "~Shot me. Great~" I mumbled.

MyStreet (My Aphmau fanfic) Book 4حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن