Chapter #19: My Savior Is An Idiot

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🦊Blue's P.O.V🦊

"This might hurt..." Blaze said, he put his arm under my head and his other arm under my legs "When I pick you up take a deep breath in so it soothes the pain. Ready?" I nodded "One. Two... Three" I took a deep breath and Blaze hoisted me up, I clenched my teeth whimpering, my spine hurt, ribs were probably broken arm dislocated.... I was bruised everywhere...

"I need to bring you to the hospital... you can't just go to Levi's what's he going to do?" "H-He'll heal me..." I stuttered "No. Not until we see what's injured. I'm taking you to Daniels" "What will he do?" I scoffed. "Well first of all, you can rest. Than in the morning Daniel can ask his mom to come over, she's a doctor she can get you x-rays without going to the hospital or clinic. We just have to go to her house, and don't worry she makes sure not to ask too many questions about what happen since well werewolves can hurt themselves in many ways." I sighed angrily "Fine... Just hurry..  I'm gonna pass out..." Blaze nodded.

He was walking quickly down the side walks until he got to a gas station he walked to a black car and put me lightly into the back seat "Just be careful" Blaze got into the front seat and started up the far. The vibrations hurt my bones and made my body ache "Gahn..." I groaned turning onto my side, I quickly spun back onto my back because of the pain that had shot me like a bullet.

A few turns later and we started to stop, and we slowly parked "We're here" Blaze got out and helped me out of the back seat, he swept me off my feet and carried me to the house pourch bridal style. He kicked the door and I heard a loud angry sigh "Blaze!" a brown haired werewolf opened the door, his ears were a dark purple and his eye redish brown. He was wearing a red shirt that was really big on him with a pair of midnight black sweat pants.

"What the... whose that?" "He's a friend of mine Rylan. The Azz muggers got him" "Oh no... he looks pretty bad" Rylan said "Hurry get him inside before you guys freeze the house" a purple haired werewolf said, she had purple ears and blue eyes. She was wearing a purple t-shirt with a blueberry on it, her pj pants were blue with black and white pokadots "We're taking him to the hospital right?" the female werewolf asked.

"No" I spoke aloud "I can't go back there. I hate it there. I hate. I hate it. I hate it" I felt my eyes start to well up. "I made a deal with him that I would bring him to Daniels moms house, her house is pretty much just a walk in clinic am I not correct Dottie?" "Yes you are but..." She sighed "Fine... just, someone's going to have to stay with him for the night to make sure he doesn't anything to hurt himself" "I'm exhausted" Blaze yawned "You must be. It looks like you got beaten pretty bad" Dottie examined Blaze's scoffs and bruises "Dottie what are you saying. Look at Blue" Rylan pointed to me.

"I know, he looks really bad..." "Dottie and I can't look after him either, we were up all night because you left without giving us a note" "Heh... Sorry, I sensed that something was wrong and just hurried out the door" "Its fine, but... whose going to look after Blue? All three of us need to go to sleep..." "I guess I will" Rylan sighed yawning afterwards "No... I will" a green haired werewolf opened the door to a bedroom. He had dark green ears and blue eyes. he was wearing black, white and gray plaid pants, and a lime green baggy shirt like Rylans.

"I mean I was sleeping all night anyways..." He scratched the back of his head blushing a bit "You sure Daniel?" Blaze asked, He nodded "Very!" "Ok, all you have to do is make sure he doesn't fall off the couch while he sleeps" "The couch?" Blaze nodded I could tell he was getting tired of holding me "Yea the couch, is there a problem?" "He can sleep on my bed it's more comfortable than the couch" "And where will you sleep?" "I'm going to sit on my chair at my desk to watch T.V."

"Ok and tommorw. After we've gotten our sleep we have to bring him to your mom's" Daniel nodded "Here let me take him" Daniel held out his arms to hold me but Blaze just laughed "Why are you laughing?" "Oh..  you're serious? Aren't you scared of dropping him?" "He doesn't look really heavy there's not much meat on his bones" "He's about average, anyways I'll just take him into your room ok?" "Blaze let him take Blue" Dottie whispered "Fine, here." Blaze lifted me up higher and passed me to Daniel.

MyStreet (My Aphmau fanfic) Book 4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon