Chapter #27: The Affects Of Red.

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Sensitive Topic⚠️
🦊Blue's P.O.V🦊

Once the morning came I woke up at home well not home, at Zane's house laying in bed beside Zane. I smiled hugging closer into him "You awake?" Zane asked "How..." "You don't normally smile when you sleep... You... kind of frown... like you're constantly about to cry..." "Oh.." I looked down staying silent. "Sorry... Anyways, do you want breakfast before I take you home?" "Uhm... no thanks.... I'm going to the pups house today." "The pups?" "Yea, Daniel, Dottie, Rylan and Blazes house" "Oh Cool" "I think they're having Rebel and Purp over, so I think Rylan and Dottie will be cooking, they cook too much food" I chuckled "Oh... Ok" Zane looked sad.

"If it makes you happy I'll have a coffee with you..." My heart started to race but I took deep breaths "You don't like coffee though..." "Fine... Tea?" Pussy, can't even say coffee without freaking out. Shut up! I can. I Just hate it ok?!  You hate alot of things one of them being your brother. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! My brother is the reason you're here! He's the reason I hate coffee! He's the reason I constantly feel lonely even if I have someone with me! So shut up with saying I'm scared of everything!  I held my head tightly my eyes closed as Red started to laugh maniacally "Blue? Blue?" Zane spoke panicked. I growled closing my eyes tighter and holding my ears "Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up" I mumbled.

"Blue...?" You're such a baby, Blue!  "Shut up Red!" I yelled out "Blue?!" I threw my head back in anger and hit my head. Everything instantly went black.

"Blue.....? Blue...? Blue..? Blue!" the voice that spoke sounded like I was underwater "Blue...?! Please be ok... I'm calling an abulance..." "What... N-No... don't.... don't do... tha-that... I'm... I'm fine... really..." I opened my eyes and everything was spinning, swishing, fuzzy. "W-Were is m-my mask?" I quickly closed my eyes "Here... sorry that I took it" I wrapped my bandana around my head and felt my ears than sighed angrily "... Don't say anything... don't tell anyone..." I looked away my ears going down and my tail twitching, the crook in my tail was still as painful as when it happened...

Please don't ask, Please don't ask, Please don't ask... He's going to ask. Red smirked No... if I hope hard enough he won't.Yes he will. Fine... Hopefully he won't though... Zane looked at me confused, I continued to look away "What.. happened...?" ".... What do you mean... ' What happened'...?" "I thought you were human..." "... I was at one point..." "What happened...?" "Someone turned me with a potion... Don't you rememeber me from highschool...?" "... No...?" "Right... Ok... No one seems to rememeber... That's good... Please... Don't tell.." "I won't, I promise" Zane wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tightly into a hug, I wrapped my arms around his neck and smile whispering in his ear "Thank you"

I heard a loud bark and I jumped turning around. "Basil! Gave me a heart attack!" I chuckled I had completely forgotten that I brought my pets with me. "What happened to your tail?" Zane asked as I painfully swished it around "... Nothing doesn't matter..." Basil jumped  up onto the bed and barked again "Bas calm down girl, it's still me!" My ears went down I'm guessing Basil hasn't seen me with my ears and tail in awhile huh?  Zane chuckled "Doesn't recognize you?" I laughed aswell.

"Nope guess not. A! C'mere" I pointed growling softly Basils ears went down and she whimpered crouching down and she stepped towards me. "Raa!" I pretended to attack and Basil rolled over playfully bitting at me and wriggling under my hand as I shook her torso. She woofed happily and rolled around standing onto her paws and slipping off the bed. Zane cracked up laughing and I gasped laughing afterwards.

Basil barked angrily and ran out of the bedroom. Zane chuckled again then stared at my tail "Something deffinetly happened to your tail" Zane pushed me, he wanted me to tell him "Yes something did happen... but... I don't want to talk about it..." "Ok... Fine... I won't push you no more..." "Thanks" I smiled "Anyways... What should we do...?" I asked, Zane smirked and pushed me down onto the bed, the sudden bold move shocked me and I started to blush wildly.

What're you going to do Blue? Let him do things to you or fight him? Red made it sound as if he were going to do things to me without my consent. He's not going to touch me without me saying he can so what're you talking about? I growled angrily. Look at that hungry look he's giving you. He's going to do everything to you without asking for your consent. Shut up! That's not true... he would never...  I looked into Zanes eye, Red was right he was looking at me like I was his favorite snack, the only one who ever looked at me that way was....

I started to panic, my heart raced and I closed my eyes behind my mask. I clenched my jaw and lightly whimpered "Are You ok...?" Zane asked, I didn't respond but instead I started to cry. He's going to do worst things to you than HE did. Red continued He's going to touch you, go inside of you. Shut up Red! He's not going to do any of that! "Blue...? It's happening again... are you ok...?" Yes he is and you know it! Red's voice boomed through my ears.

"You're ignoring me... you have lost all emotion and you don't seem like your zoned out... your ears haven't move and neither has your tail... you're completely stiff..." Zane explained but I could barely hear him over the scary voice of Red.You're going to relive what happened to you in highschool. That horrible faithful day. It was all your fault. Stop it! What you're saying isn't true! I didn't know! I didn't know he would do that...! I... I trusted him! My entire body felt paralyzed as Zane spoke again "Are You ok...?" He's going to rape you! "Get off of me!" I finally yelled out. Zane looked startled but quickly did what I yelled.

I sat up and quickly scooted away from Zane on the opposite side of the bed. "Are you ok...? I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..." I breathed heavily, tears rolling down my cheeks "It's fine... I just over reacted...." "No you didn't, I did something you didn't want without your consent" "I'm fine... my mind... just scared me about it... Other Than that I would've been fine" I blushed looking down my ears following, my tail painfully jolting side to side.

"I'm really sorry..." "Its fine... I'm ok..." "You're not ok... You're crying..." I whipped my head away and wiped my tears "N-No... I'm not... I'm fine" "Ok... Do you want me to take you home now....?" I sniffed and lightly nodded "Ok... I'll go get the pets ready for you.." "T-Thanks.." Zane got up and walked out of the room.

Now look, you're going to lose your only friend. He's not my only friend! I Have Dante, Travis, Laurence, Garroth, Blaze and the pups. I have plenty other friends! Really? Travis? The one who constantly harasses you? You call him your friend?  It's not him doing it! Somethings possessing him! I growled Yea Sure. Something possesses me sometimes and then I harass people I pointed at Red angrily inner And people don't blame me for it! So why would I blame him for it when he doesn't understand what's even going on.

After I said that Red seemed to have dissapeared with a growl, Zane walked back into the room "Ready to go?" "Yea... Thanks for having me over" I smiled awkwardly and followed Zane to the car. I got into the passenger seat and looked out the window as Zane started to drive.

Once I got home I brought the pets inside and all the stuff. After I was done bringing every pet and everything inside I got ready to got to Blaze and the Pups house.

MyStreet (My Aphmau fanfic) Book 4Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant