Chapter #3: Meeting The Neighbors

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🦊Blues P.O.V🦊

When I woke up that morning I sat up and looked around, right. I moved I'm on the couch. Both Axel and Tater Tot were no longer sleeping on me. I sat up sleepily and grabbed a pair of clean clothes. Some sweat pants and a warm fluffy blue hoodie I wrapped my bandana tightly around my eyes, I just realised I wasn't wearing it. I then got up and walked up the stairs "Aw Dante" I heard a voice say "Hm? What's Aphmau doing here?" I looked at Dantes door and when I turned away both Laurence and Garroth were staring at it angrily "Ok...." I quickly snuck past "I'm going out! to meet the neighboors!" The two didn't turn there heads. I decided to take the pups. I leashed up the both of them and looked at Axe "You wanna come boy?" Axel walked away "I'm guessing that's a 'no'" I laughed walking out.

I decided to go to the house on the left of ours house first. I walked up to the door and knocked, there was barks by two others puppies "Calm down! sh! Babe! Come help me with the puppies please!" I heard a male voice ask "Ok I've got them" A female voice replied, the door swung open "H-Hi!" I stuttered looking at the person's feet "Blue?" I quickly looked up, the werewolf cocked his head "Jax! hah! I didn't know you had puppies!" "We just got them didn't we babe?" "Yup" Luna leaned on the door frame she was holding two Bosten Terrier puppies "This ones Maximus" Luna raised the brown one with black eyes "And this one Maxwell" she raised the black one, he had a black spot covering his left eye, one of his eyes was brown and the other a dark blue.

"I was just walking around... saying 'hi' to my neighbors" "Neighbors?!" Luna asked happily "you moved in next door?!" Jax finished "Yep, I moved in with Garroth, Laurence, Dante, and Travis" "Wow, must be tough living with four other guys" Luna said looking at Jax teasingly, I shrugged "Its only been a day, it should be fine anyways. It was nice seeing you again and we should definitely catch up sometime! I've got to go say 'hi' to the rest of the neighborhood" "Ok Bye Blue!" Jax waved "We'll see you another day" Tater Tot's tail wagged happily as we walked across the street, Basil was walking slower than the two of us.

Once we got to the next house I knocked on the door "Burnt out flame! Get your damn cat before it breaks something!" I heard someone yell "Blitz! C'mon! Get down!" As soon as the door opened I was attacked. Kiss attacked by a dog, it licked my face making it hard for me to breath, I laughed and squirmed under the dog. Basil growled at the dog, but she doesn't do anymore than a warning growl Basil doesn't attack unless she knows I'm in trouble. "Augh!" I heard a grunt as I felt the dog get kind of pulled off of me but not quite fully off me. "Cashco! Get off!" I felt the dog get pulled again "Crook! You've gotta help me! You know this dogs strong" "Ugh... Why would you get a dog you can't keep control of?!" the person sighed angrily "Cashco off" The voice said sternly then the dog was yanked by the collar off of me.

I sat up out of breath, I started to laugh "I was almost murdered by a dog licking me" The person chuckled "Need help" He helped me up and shook my hand "Rookie Altansarnai" "Blue Azure, Fox." "Blue! We know you! Why are introducing yourself?" The galaxy haired werewolf asked pushing passed Rookie "Oh! Cosmo!" I waved "Cosmo Baram" He held out his hand and I shook it. "Ash get your butt out here" "I'm comin, I'm comin" The long tailed meifa'w walked out, he was carrying a gray and white somali cat in his arms that had amber green eyes.

"Hi Blue! Long time no see" Ash waved "This is Blitz my cat!" "And the dog that tackled you was Cashco, Cosmos dog" "Well, He's more of your dog" Cosmo laughed "He listens to you more than he listens to me" "Then be more stern with him. Like this. Cashco come" Rookie said sternly pointing to the ground beside him. Cashco listened and walked beside Rookie "Sit" Rookie demanded, Cashco did as told. Cashco was a German Shepard his collar was black with metal skulls lining it. "He's a retired war dog, He's obedient you just have to reteach him." the German Shepard had dark brown, almost black eyes.

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