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So, there you have it. I could go on, but I think I've exhausted myself. And honestly, I feel this is a good place to stop. The reasons I have for telling you my tale are my own, but let's just say I've been keeping all of this in for a very long time. It felt nice getting it out in the open all in sequential order. I'm sure you are wondering what happened after that night we left The Lonely Wood, and I think it's only fair that I should tell you.
            Lily, Noah and I roamed for a long time together until Lily grew old. We lived in a town for a number of years to let her live her final days peacefully. Noah and I pretended to be her grandsons, and after she died, Noah was all I had left (and Evie the cat). I said a tearful goodbye to the love of my life and vowed to move on and never look back. There was nothing I could do for her, or myself, and this was the way it was always going to be. Though I try not to talk about Lily or Kieran much, I carry them and their memories with me every day.
Noah and I stuck together. Mostly out of loneliness, but when you spend that much time with someone, you inevitably grow attached to them. Noah was my brother and through the years he became more and more dear to me. We were the only two people, as far as we knew back then, who would be a constant in each other's lives. But there is no use in being upset any longer. This is who I am, and I have spent my days focused on creating my own happiness rather than dwelling on the things I've done and concerning myself with the opinions of others. I'm not a monster. When you've been around as long as I have, you know who the real monsters are. Drancaria has remained a dark place. Though, there has been an attempt by the people to rebuild. However, the fact remains that someone like me is not welcome in the new world any more than I was in the old one. But that could always change.
Though my tale is done, I'm sure this will not be the last story I make an appearance in. The next time it probably won't even be my story to tell. So, until then I say, farewell.

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