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James Mallory looked me up and down, studying me for some sign of my identity. He seemed shocked enough that there were others besides himself that were wandering around The Lonely Wood this time of year. "Well, don't be cryptic. What does that mean?" he demanded, though despite never raising his voice he commanded respect and fear. I took another step forward. "My name is Nigel. My mother's name was Catherine. Catherine Hillshire."
James Mallory's demonic eyes widened, his reaction to this information was very clear surprise. "Do you remember her?" I asked through gritted teeth. My fists were clenched so hard it hurt, but I didn't care. James Mallory almost scoffed. Evie the little cat hissed loudly. James rolled his eyes at her dismissively as Noah bent down to calm her, eyeing James the whole time.
"There are so many Catherine's boy, you can't possibly expect me to remember all of them. Though given your address towards me I'm guessing you know what I am?"
His tone was so matter of fact and distant. I looked him in the eyes, and I could see the familiar glaring look of lies. He knew exactly who I was talking about, which did surprise me. I was hoping he would remember her, but it had been a long time, and as Noah and I had previously established, she was one of many women he used.
"I do know what you are. You're a monster James Mallory and that will never change," I echoed the words my mother had screamed at him the night she died. His expression changed dramatically. He, up until this point, was trying to keep his cool but now he was worried. "What did you say your name was again?"
"Nigel," I answered flatly. "Nigel Hillshire was the name I was born with. Though only ten or so years ago I learned my real name should be Nigel Mallory."
James nodded. "I see." And he remained silent for a moment, staring at me like a beast trying to assess how to catch its prey. I gulped nervously waiting for him to respond. "You are the little one who she was hiding from me?" he asked, though it didn't sound much like a question.
"I was. She was protecting me from you. And you murdered her right in front of me!" I cried out, getting more emotional than I intended.
James Mallory's expression was unreadable before working its way into an awkward smirk. "And you've come all this way to gets your revenge is that it?" he asked.
I nodded. "So you aren't stupid? Just a monster I guess," I spat at him. "And I'm not the only one. This is Noah. His mother was Estera Therie. He and I have suffered the same fate at your hands," I said gesturing to Noah who stayed silent.
"And these two are what? Moral support? Witnesses to your flawless plan of stabbing me in the heart with that stick and somehow getting your mother back?" taunted James. I seethed with rage. He was mocking me. Mocking my pain and wallowing in his own smugness.
"I hate you," was all I managed to say.
"Has it ever crossed your mind that you don't know me, and maybe that you're walking down a very dangerous path right now by confronting me? You were a child when your mother died. Your account of what happened might not be the most accurate," said James.
I practically screamed at him, "What are you talking about?! I saw you! I saw you wrap your hands around her throat and snap her neck! If you have any other explanation for what happened that night then you're a liar!"
He clenched his fists. "Well, for what it's worth I'm sorry. I know you must have traveled a long way to fulfill this little revenge fantasy of yours so nothing I say will change your mind, but I never meant to do what I did. I was angry at her for keeping you from me, but I didn't want to kill her. I was startled and it was an accident. Believe me, I tortured myself over it for months."
I snarled. "You liar."
He shrugged, "If you are a half vampire then you can look into my eyes and know I'm telling the truth Nigel."
"Don't speak to me as if you know me!" I blurted out in my anger.
James sighed and looked to Noah. "And you? I don't recall accidentally killing your mother. She was an elf correct?" he asked.
"Don't talk to my brother! You can't change his mind either!" I warned.
"I can speak to whomever I want and clearly he has some unfinished business with me as well and I would like to know what that business is. Don't forget your brother is only your brother because of me."
That made me so furious I nearly charged but was held back by Kieran. Noah placed a hand on my shoulder, indicating I needed to calm down. I took a deep breath but I could still feel my face getting hotter and hotter by the second. "Yes my mother was an elf. I never knew you and for most of my life I believed someone else to be my father. But I'm here to destroy you just like Nigel. However, my reasons are not for revenge. You are too dangerous to be alive. No child should grow up a half breed, scared and alone before their village burns them alive. I was chased out of my home and I was lucky for even surviving," Noah explained way too civilly for the situation.
"I see," said James, his expression strangely calm. "You both think I'm a monster don't you? Well you must since this one," he pointed to me, "has made his sentiments clear on that."
"Because you are a monster!" I interrupted but he continued. "Have you ever thought that maybe we are more similar than you think? I am a vampire yes, but I'm the son of Calibos the blood count. I'm older than most vampires and my intelligence is more so then the animals that serve my father. I was turned when I was nineteen and it happened without my consent or knowledge. I long to be human again and nothing I do can make that happen for me. As demonstrated here, not even the two of you, who know what it's like to be considered a monster, see me as anything else! I've done unspeakable things, but centuries of wandering through life alone will do that to you! You'll both see if you somehow make it out of here alive. Yes, I seduced those women and I know to you it seems wrong, but why should I deny myself the pleasure of feeling connected to someone? Of feeling loved by someone? Of being as close to them as possible? Of feeling human again! The circumstances of your birth is unfortunate and I'm sorry. However, I will not stand here and let you accuse me of being something which I am not. If you're going to kill me then at least kill me having heard the truth! Then that truth will haunt you the rest of your days. You will have my blood on your hands and it will have been innocent. Who will be the true monster then?" he said gravely. I shivered. His ominous words chilled me to the bone.
I couldn't take it anymore. I don't know what evil wash of red came over me, but I lunged. I ran towards him as fast as I could, my weapon in my hands and my heart full of hatred. The only thing that mattered to me in that moment was killing him! Killing all the pain I'd suffered in my life because of him, killing the hatred I felt at my own existence, killing all the hurt and grief that consumed my thoughts most days. It all came down to that night in that moment.
In my stupidity I neglected to realize that James was much older and more experienced than I was at combat in any form. I don't know what I was expecting to happen when I moronically charged at the monster standing in front of me, but inevitably I was bested. James knocked me to the ground and in my struggle to get up, I hadn't realized that all my companions rushed to my side. I pathetically found my footing again, only to find James fighting all three at once!
As I charged forward again, I had more of a chance with four against one. However, I must admit to you now dear reader, that I do not recall much else of that scuffle because it was something I must have blocked out years ago. All I know is how it started and how it ended, but I could not tell you the gory details of what occurred in between. I must confess I'm not disappointed I can't give these details to you because I don't want to relive them and providing you with how this all tragically ends is enough for me.
Anyway, as this mess of violence continued between all five of us, James was growing weaker. However, what came next would come to haunt me the rest of my days. James somehow managed to get a hold of Kieran, turning his own wooden stake against him and stabbing Kieran clean through the gut. I screamed, harder than I had ever done in my life.
Kieran's body tensed with shock and crumpled to the cold ground. My vision clouded and my ears pounded as, almost instinctively, I charged forward again. This time James was still distracted by his stabbing of Kieran, and I lunged at him with rage fueled strength I didn't know I could ever possess. I knocked James hard to the ground with an audible "thud," my legs pinning him to the ground. I struck him over and over again with my fists, to the point where I was hurting myself by making such harsh contact with his face. I couldn't think, I couldn't feel, and all I could process was my anger.
Suddenly, I sensed a presence behind me, pulling me away from my hated enemy. I struggled against it, arms flailing and legs kicking, but Noah's grip only tightened. Finally I became aware of my surroundings again, my breathing heavy like I'd just run for miles, and my face felt like it was glowing red with heat.
I stared wide eyed at James' body, lying almost limp on the ground.
"Nigel!" Lily cried out in shock, rushing towards me.
"Don't!" I murmured through gritted teeth, my tone hateful.
James Mallory stirred, slowly sitting himself up, his face bloodied and his expression unreadable. He glared at me, red eyed and alarmed. His whole countenance appeared exhausted, his expression turning to one of defeat and compliance. James wiped his mouth.
"Go on boy," he said. "Do it. Gods know you'll be doing me a favor."
Tears of anger flowed uncontrollably down my face as I approached him, wooden stake in hand. We remained locked in each other gaze for only a minute before he cried out again, "do it!"
My arms shook as I held the stake in front of his heart, my hands sweaty. I bit my lip hard, trying to muster the will to destroy him. I wanted to so desperately, but something felt like it was gripping my shoulders back, preventing me from delivering the finishing blow. Was I truly going to destroy my own father? All in the name of avenging my dead mother? I would be making myself an orphan, not that James had ever or would ever be a father to me. Was I ready to be a murderer?
My questions had no time to be answered, because in what happened in the blink of an eye was James' dirty hands gripped mine as he plunged the stake into his chest. The entire time, his eyes were fixed on mine, even as they watered with pain.
"For Catherine," he whispered, and he dropped like a stone. So ended James Mallory.
I was in complete shock, and all I wanted to do was stay there, still and silent. I gaped down at the blood on my hands, shaking in fear and disgust. I might have fainted if not for Lily's cries for help.
My head jolted up, and I saw Lily holding Kieran's limp body in her arms, Noah digging desperately in his bag for something to stop the bleeding.
I rushed over as swiftly as possible, Kieran's half conscious eyes searching for me.
"Nigel?" Kieran whispered, his voice barely audible.
"I'm here," I cried, trying to help put pressure on the nasty wound James had inflicted on him.
"It's alright," he said calmly, his eyes trying hard to stay open.
"No it is most definitely not okay!" I exclaimed in bewilderment.
Kieran weakly shook his head. "No, it is. It's my time," he replied, putting a hand on my cheek. I sobbed, staring into Kieran's dying face.
"That's so cliché," I chuckled through sobs, trying to distract him and keep him conscious. "You can't die on such a boring line, so live Kieran, live!"
Kieran smiled, though clearly still in pain.
I wouldn't let him die! I couldn't! Kieran was too good, too pure, and I would be the one responsible for his death! I didn't cease in my panicked attempts to help him, but it was clear to all that he wouldn't live much longer.
"Live your life, Nigel. I knew when mine would end. Do it for me," he whispered, a faint smile on his lips as he closed his eyes peacefully.
"No! No Kieran! You're not going to do this to me!" I cried out, trying everything I could think to wake him up, though I knew in my heart he was gone. He was lost to me forever.

NIGELOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant