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Noah and I decided get back into our training. Noah showed me through the forest for another lesson about tracking when something caught my attention. There was a distinct and unpleasant smell that came from somewhere close by. I immediately sought to find the source of the scent, Noah following me. I was sure he smelt it too but he didn't think much of it, as he later revealed to me. Finally I found what I had been looking for. In the forest lay a half frozen corpse of a large moose, it's body appearing almost completely unharmed and if I didn't know better, I would have thought it died of natural causes. However, upon inspection I observed the gash in its neck. I touched the body, the blood appeared to be almost completely drained and the expression of the animal was that of total calmness, which I found odd.
            I turned to Noah who held a concerned and worrisome expression. "You're thinking exactly what I am aren't you?" He asked. I nodded. "Do you suppose it's him who did this?" I asked, almost incredulously.
            Noah shrugged. "I feel that the most educated guess would be yes, if we're as close as Kieran says we are to finally facing him. This is most certainly the work of a vampire and what other vampire do we know of who is currently in eastern Severno? Most vampires live in the west." I stared down at the dead animal, a wash of fear and dread overcame me and for a split second, I wanted to go back to Holly Bush.
            I nodded, turning back to look at the poor dead creature. "Why does it look so relaxed when it's throat has just been torn open?" I asked, confused and trying to distract myself from the terror I was feeling at the thought of actually confronting the monster who'd done this. I wasn't expecting Noah to have an answer for me but to my astonishment, he did.
"Vampire bites aren't painful Nigel," he said as though he was surprised I didn't already know this.
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Really?"
            He nodded. "Haven't you ever noticed that every time you bite anything they become limp in your hands? Most creatures struggle when they are being killed, if you plan on killing them that is."
            I furrowed my eyebrows, realizing what he was saying made an awful lot of sense but I never put the pieces together before which made me feel quite stupid. "Yes, but I always thought they were just going into shock or something or passed out from blood loss." I explained.
            Noah chuckled slightly, amused and shook his head. "No you idiot," he replied jokingly. "The sensation of a vampire bite is actually one of deep pleasure. That's why it's so easy for many vampires to kill their victims under the guise of a sexual encounter. Like I say, it's quite difficult to actually drink someone if they're too busy fighting you. I suppose the gods so cruelly made it that way, so the vile creatures they placed in this world could do the evil they were designed for properly." His tone was both trying not to seem too dark but at the same time there was an anger behind it. I decided not to ask any more questions, and I felt in desperate need of some rest for the first time in my life.
            Noah could see there was something wrong with me but he didn't press the issue. Upon our arrival back to camp I was met with both Lily and Kieran's welcoming faces. I was always elated to see Lily's familiar and safe face, but this time I saw Kieran in a way I hadn't before. Kieran and I were in a complicated place at the moment, but as I realized I could very well be dead in the few days that lay ahead, I wanted more. I walked over to Kieran and took his hand.
"Can I speak with you please Kieran?" I asked kindly. He seemed surprised but agreed. "Kieran," I began, "I don't want to beat around the bush. That's not who I am and I think it's about time I was fair to you."
            Kieran raised an eyebrow, though there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Alright." He responded.
            I took a deep breath. "I would like to be with you. I have a literal eternity to flit from one partner to the next, which I see nothing wrong with and won't apologize for in the future, but once the last of my old life dies and I'm left with no living reminisce of the past, I will regret forever not sticking with you. I know what you would want out of a relationship is monogamy and I would be honored and more than fortunate to live a lifetime with you." I said bravely, which surprised me because I was usually so nervous when it came to things such as this.
            Kieran just smiled at me. "Do you mean it Nigel?"
            I nodded, "I do." I answered, more sure of myself than ever. Without another word, I pulled him close and met his lips to mine. It was as blissful as anything I had ever experienced. I was so afraid that being with Kieran wouldn't feel the same as when I was first dating Lily, but it was. Though I always felt Lily and I had a connection, and if you believe in all that sort of rubbish I would say she was my soulmate, but in an entirely different way. The pleasure, the infatuation and the sheer euphoria of kissing Kieran was exactly what I'd hoped to feel. It felt right and at that moment I knew I was truly free to be myself.
            Now, my darlings I must tell you that I will offer more clarification when my tale is concluded. Many have asked me the same exhaustively irritating questions over the years on this matter of how and whom I chose to love, but the answer is complicated and quite honestly I don't feel I should have to answer them. However, I understand some small minded people's confusion on this particular subject and I am willing to expand on it later. For now, just understand that I was loved and I had people to love. That, my dears, was all I ever really wanted in this world. I had grown so cold and callous over the years because I was afraid of feeling any vulnerability. But, I learned that inside I was truly a loving person and all I needed was a way to let that love out to as many people as I could get my hands on. It's such a shame I didn't realize it when I needed to most. But that's life I suppose, even for those who aren't exactly alive.

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