"Amelia!" I turn to see Xavier running towards me. Instead of being in my bed, safe and sound, I'm in some forest.

"Xavier?" I say, and then he comes to a complete stop, and all the blood runs from his face.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"Amelia, don't move." He says, becoming rigid.

Despite what he says, I turn around to see the man from the pick up truck, smiling at me.

I start to run to Xavier, but I stop as I feel something sharp stab into my chest. I look down to see blood as I fall to my knees.

Xavier turns into his wolf and kills the man, now werewolf, as everything turns to black.

I sit up in bed, sweating profusely as I feel on my chest to make sure this was all really just a dream. I then hear chuckling and turn to see the man from the truck sitting on the bench in front of my window.

I start screaming and he just laughs louder. Frozen in fear, I hear running to my room. When my door opens I turn to see who it is.

The lights turn on and when I look back to the bench, he's gone but my window's open.

"Amelia! Are you okay?" My dad says, rushing over to me as Chloe stays at the door looking terrified.

"Someone was in here dad! My windows open, he was sitting on my bench!" I point, but now my window is closed.

"Amelia, no one was in here. The alarm system would have gone off." He holds me to his chest as I start to sob in fear.

"You aren't sleeping alone. Come to my room." He pulls me up with him, and I grab my phone wiping my tears.

"Can I sleep there too?" Chloe says, still looking scared.

"Of course. I'm going to check the security system and you girls go to my room with Noelle." Dad says, as we leave my room and he heads downstairs.

Chloe and I walk into my dad's room and lay on his bed, putting Noelle in her bed on the floor.

"Amelia, who did you think was in your room." Chloe asks.

"You remember months ago, when everyone was over for our first hang out here?"


"Well remember the guy I saw when walking Noelle and now it's known he's one of the rogues?"


"Him, I had a dream he killed me then when I woke up he was sitting on my bench by the window and he was laughing at me." I tell her, as shock washes over her face, then fear.

"You have to tell Xavier." She demands.

"I know, and I will tomorrow." I say, as dad walks into the room.

"Honey when Xavier left, did you set the alarm?" Dad asks, a concerned look on his face.

"I totally forgot to!"

"So since you didn't, and now you're claiming a man was in your room. We're going to stay at Amandas for the rest of the night." He explains.

"So go pack an overnight bag and the cops are on their way now. Once we talk to them we are going to leave. You girls don't have to go to school tomorrow with all this happening now." He further explains.

I go to my room as Chloe goes to hers, and I pull out my dirty clothes from this weekend from my bag and put in clean clothes, leaving my toiletries in there.

As I start to leave, I look back to my window and get chills thinking of the man. I quickly walk out of my room as Chloe walks out of hers and we go downstairs.

The cops are already talking to my dad, and one takes my statement on the whole situation, as one cop checks the house to make sure no one is still here.

"Alright, we will take your statement to the station, make a report, and if you ever see this guy again you call us." They tell us once everything is checked out.

Once they leave, we all grab our bags, put noelle on her leash, grab one of her beds, and we walk out to my dad's car. He makes sure the house is all locked up and the system is on and then joins Chloe, Noelle, and I in the car. We drive to Amanda's apartment, and she meets us in the parking lot.

"Are you girls okay?" Amanda immediately asks, hugging both Chloe and I.

We hug her back as we nod. We all let go and she starts to talk to my dad when Chloe and I grab our stuff and I pick up Noelle.

We walk up to Amanda's apartment in silence, and once inside, she directs us where we all will be sleeping.

"Chloe and Amelia, you guys can take the guest room. If anything happens you can come get your dad and I in my room." Amanda says, leading Chloe and I to her guest room.

Amanda's apartment has three bedrooms and when you walk through the front door, you are immediately with the kitchen on your left. Then the living room is right in front of the kitchen, and is pretty big. On your right, a little from the door, is her hallways where all the bedrooms are. The leftmost room is her bedroom, next one is the bathroom, middle is her office, and across from her room is the guest bedroom.

Chloe and I enter the guest bedroom, and close the door behind us. Noelle immediately falls asleep on her bed, which we place by the door. Chloe and I silently lay down on the bed, and go on our phones.

Within twenty minutes we are both asleep, exhausted by what the night had turned into.

Hello everyone! Since my last update a crazy amount has changed in everyone's lives. So I'm home from college now until next semester, and I hope I can finish this book by the time I move into my apartment in august. Lastly, I hope everyone, their family and friends, are safe right now during this pandemic. Remember to stay inside, and keep up with your hygiene. Bye now!

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