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"Hey do you want to car pull to the game since your house is on my way to the school?" I ask Christine over the phone.

"Sure! Plus it will be easier parking wise." She says which is true. Tonight is one of our biggest home games because it's against our rival school.

"Okay also do you have any black face paint I can borrow?" I ask her. The students decided to do a blackout in the student section.

"Yeah, I'll bring it."

"Okay, I'll text you when I get to your house." I tell her.

"Okay bye girl" "bye" I say, hanging up.

I decided to wear black leggings, a black 'vans' t-shirt, my black swim team sweatshirt and my slip on checkered vans. I texted Lucy to remind her and the boys about the black out because I don't want them to be the only people there not in black.

I run down the steps and into the kitchen where dad and Amanda are. "Okay, I'm going to the game now, I should be home around 11." I tell them.

"Do you need cash for snacks or anything?" Amanda asks.

"No, I have ten dollars so that should be enough. Bye guys."

"Bye Amelia! Have fun!" "Bye sweetie!" They say and then I grab my keys and wallet and walk out the door.

I get into my car and start to drive towards Christine's house which is only 10 minutes away. From her house to the school is about 5 minutes.

I pull up and text her that I'm here. She comes out and jogs over to my car. "Hey cutie!" I say when she gets in

She is wearing black athletic shorts and her black volleyball t-shirt and has an adidas black sweatshirt with her. "Hey girl!"

"I'm so excited for tonight's game, especially since we are going to win." She says.

"I know. It's also about to be packed at the school." I say, as we start to drive to the school.

"Yeah, thank god I'm not driving." She says, which causes us both to laugh knowing how bad of a driver she is.

Once we get there, we park and text the group that we are here. Grayson then texts that he and Lucy are here and a minute later Xavier texts he and Blake are here now too.

Christine texts to the group, "Okay let's meet at the ticket stand." And everyone answers with an "Ok".

"Can I have the face paint real quick?" I ask Christine pulling out a mirror from my glove box.

"Yeah sure." She says handing it to me.

I do two black lines under my eyes and Christine does the same then we get out and walk towards the ticket stand.

"AMELIA, CHRISTINE! HEY!" We hear someone shout behind us. We turn around to see Zoe running towards us with Violet behind her.

She crashes into us and hugs us both at once. "IM SO HYPED UP OMG" she shouts as Christine and I just laugh with Violet.

"Look who is wearing Daniels jersey." I say to Christine.

Zoe blushes and waves her hand, "Oh stoppp, we just might be going to homecoming together..."

"Girllll you are so lucky." Christine says.

"You guys have Xavier King and Blake Cross wrapped around your finger. Trust me, you two are the lucky ones." She tells us.

"Oh stop. We barely know them." I say.

"Yeahhhh, sureee." Violet says, both her and Zoe unconvinced.

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