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  "Amelia, you have to get up! Lucy and Grayson are having a huge fight in the kitchen!" Christine says, frantically shaking me awake.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask her, confused about why they would be fighting so early in the morning.

"Some girl kissed Grayson last night, and DMed Lucy over Instagram about how Grayson was talking about breaking up with her for the girl. Grayson also never told Lucy last night about it, so she's pissed and hurt." Christine says, quickly explaining what was happening.

I feel bad for Lucy, if Grayson had just told Lucy, maybe this wouldn't be as bad as it is now. I know that if my boyfriend was kissed by another girl and didn't even tell me, I would be hurt and angry as well.

Christine and I then run out of Lucy's bedroom, down the stairs and into the kitchen. Already there was Xavier and Blake, sitting at the kitchen table while Lucy and Grayson stood by the refrigerator, shouting at each other.

"How could you not tell me another girl kissed you last night! Grayson I'm your fucking mate!" Lucy shouts at him, on the verge of tears.

"I didn't think anything of it! She's human and she was drunk!" Grayson says, trying to prove himself.

Human? Why would it matter that the girl is human? And why did Lucy call herself Grayson's mate?

"Guys!" Blake shouts to them, as Lucy and Grayson look at Christine and I, with realization on their faces.

"Sorry Christine and Amelia that you have to be here to witness me breaking up with my boyfriend." Lucy says, as she runs away with tears falling down her face.

"What the fuck?" Grayson says, as he starts to cry as well, running after Lucy.

"So do you guys want to have breakfast, Xavier's mom offered to make it." Blake says, the air in the room was stiff with awkwardness.

"We should get going actually. I have a nail appointment at 12 and I need to go home and shower." I tell them.

"Oh..okay. We should hang out this week though, maybe we can one day after school?" Xavier suggests.

When he speaks for the first time this morning, I am reminded of our conversation from last night. I can not believe I was so blunt to him about his relationship, or non-existent one, with Blair, he probably thinks I'm some sort of creep!

"Yeah, we totally should hang out! I think I'm free Wednesday after school." I say to them. Everyone then agrees on Wednesday, and Christine and I go to Lucy's room to grab our clothes and change.

We get to Lucy's room, and peek in to see that neither her nor Grayson are in it. We then hear crying and apologies being said from her bathroom, with the door shut. We go into her room, quietly grab everything, and leave, still wearing Lucy's pajamas. I texted her we will give them back on Monday, and we head back downstairs.

Xavier and Blake walk us to the door, as we exchange goodbyes. "Oh, Amelia! Just to let you know, my brother is so into your sister Chloe. He would not shut up about her last night after the party." Blake tells me, as I laugh.

"I'll see what Chloe thinks about him. I'll tell you what she says in Calc on Monday." I tell him.

Christine and I then get into her car and drive back to her house. We go to her room, and I change into some workout clothes I grabbed from my car.

"Amelia, what do you think Lucy meant when she said she was Grayson's mate, and when Grayson said that the girl was human?" Christine asks, as confused as I am about their conversation.

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