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So Xavier, tell me about yourself." My mom says, as she sits across from Xavier, Aidan, Chloe and I in her living room.

It is now the Friday after Homecoming and we traveled up to my moms last night. She was thrilled to meet Xavier and Aidan when we asked to come over on Monday, so Xavier booked the plane tickets.

After driving to her house from the airport, and settling into our rooms, we all fell asleep last night. She then woke us all up this morning after she made breakfast. We ate breakfast quickly, and now we are all just hanging out in the living room.

"Well I'm a senior at Lakefield High School with Amelia. I play lacrosse, basketball, and I swim. I plan to go to college and take over my dad's real estate company afterwards." He says.

"Wow. You have a pretty good plan after high school." My mom compliments.

"Now Aidan, what about you?"

"I'm a sophomore at Lakefield, and I play lacrosse too. I don't know exactly know what I want to do after school yet, but maybe something in law." Aidan explains.

"Well you still have two years to figure that out." My mom says in a comforting tone.

"Where's Jason?" I ask.

"Oh he had to go to work, but he should be home around 4:30." She says. "I was thinking we could spend the day in the city."

"Sure!" Chloe says, she has always loved San Francisco over Malibu.

"Okay! I'll let you guys go get ready." My mom says.

We all walk to our separate bedrooms, Xavier rooming with me and Aidan rooming with Chloe. My room at my moms is smaller than at my dads, but I don't mind.

My room has my bed against the windows across from the door, in the middle. Then on one side I have a huge dresser with a giant mirror attached and on the other side is my closet door.

Since we don't really stay here longer than a few weeks at a time, the room is very empty and standard. The closet only has blankets and some of my old shoes and clothes. My dresser has some underwear and bras, but nothing else really.

Xavier shuts the door behind him, and I grab my bag and put it on the bed. Xavier then does the same. I pull out my toiletries and put it on my dresser. I decide to wear black ripped jeans, and a red long sleeve blouse.

"Turn around so I can get changed." I tell Xavier.

Xavier chuckles, then turns around. I quickly change, and then I throw my dirty clothes in a hamper in the corner of my room.

Xavier turns back around, and starts to change in front of me. I turn to my bag and grab my hairbrush. I then grab my toiletries bag too.

"I'll be in the bathroom." I tell him.


I walk out of my room, closing the door behind me and to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair, then I put a white headband on. I put on deodorant and perfume, then walk back to my room.

I walk in to Xavier laying on my bed, and our bags in front my closet door. I fall onto the bed next to him and giggle.

He looks down at me and smiles. "You really are so beautiful."

"Oh stop." I say while blushing.

He kisses me slowly, as if trying to savor this kiss.

"Are you okay?" I ask when he pulls away.

"Yeah. I just love you so much."

Did he just say- "oh okay." I say back awkwardly.

Well now the moment is ruined thanks to me. Xavier then just laughs and kisses me again, with a smile on his face.

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