This Isn't Legal *Chapter 10*

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*Jinxx's POV*

I couldn't hold back the tears after Ashley asked. How could I explain something as terrible as this. "Ash... Everyone is going to hate me if I say anything." My voice cracked and I felt like an idiot. I rarely cried and never in front of them. Ash looked over at me, he was slowly trying to figure it out. "Are you dating Juliet?" I rolled my eyes at Ashley. He was a genius. "No. I'm not that big of an asshole. I would never hurt Andy like that." And that was all true. I sighed. "Avoiding who she is, I found out recently that she... Uh... She cuts Ash." The fact was killing me. I guess I always knew. She was wearing long sleeves when it was nearly 90° outside. What else could it have been? I refused to accept it. Not her. "Well, that's simple." Ash gave me a sad smile. "Be the reason she stopped." Ash rested his hand on my shoulder for a second before walking away. He was almost to the bus before I reluctantly whispered, "She's only seventeen." I almost thought Ashley didn't here me. "How old is she?" Shock filling his voice.

Ashley's POV

I was about to step on the bus when I heard Jinxx whisper, "She's only seventeen." I paused and then turned around. "How old is she?" I started to go through the different laws in my head. I didn't think that was legal. Didn't she have to eighteen? "She's seventeen. She just turned seventeen. The day before the tour started. That's why I skipped practiced." He sighed looking away. "I knew she was young and I didn't plan on dating her... We were just friends but, I don't know. I kissed her and now," He shook his head. "I don't what we are. She's coming to the show tonight. She drove out here." He was rambling now. Nervous. "Jinxx..." I trailed off and tried to figure out what to say. "Andy going to be pissed." It wasn't the best but it was true. Andy was always on our ass about underage girls. Don't have them at parties, don't talk to them outside of meet and greets. They may look older then they are. He didn't want to have that kind of reputation following the band. "Please don't tell him. Not yet." Jinxx requested sadly. I groaned. "Andy isn't talking to me at the moment. I won't tell anyone." Jinxx smiled and wiped his face. He wasn't wearing makeup so I could barely tell he was crying a few minutes ago. "Good. She's here." He nodded towards a car that pulled into the parking lot and parked. Fuck.

A/N: I don't know if 17 is illegal where you live but it is here. So Yea. I was going to make the girl 15 but I didn't feel comfortable with that. I mean its Jinxx.
Spoiler alert: The girl will be portrayed by me^-^ Yup. I'll be in the story.


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