Just To Say Hi

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(That's a picture of me^)
Anyone who's still around to see this:

I've been rereading this story and reading the comments and I had to say something.

I started this story 3 years ago. I was in highschool and in love with bands. I didn't know what I was doing or who I was really. I was struggling with undiagnosed depression and anxiety. I was cutting and low-key had an eating disorder. I was 15 and all I had was my music and I wanted to die. Like I wanted to stop breathing and never deal with anything at all...

Then I started this story. I wrote and people voted and commented and this story got more attention then I ever imagined. And all the comments and love I got from people helped me so much.

I'm 18 now. I'm in college. Although I don't follow BVB as much as I used to, this band will always hold a place in my heart. I've been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I've decided meds aren't for me and I'm getting better. Life is not great right now but I am so much better than I was when I started this story. And I have to thank you guys for this.

I would not have made it as far as I did without the love from this book.

Thank you for following this poorly written story and loving and caring for the author that you never met. I will forever be thankful.

-Nami, who isn't Nami anymore. I'm actually Charlie. So Hi💘 And goodbye

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