Who Is She? *Chapter 9*

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The next few days were a twisted blur. The shows were fun and the band seemed normal but afterwards, the band fell apart. Andy started ignoring me. He wouldn't talk to me and he did his best to avoid me. I tried not to feel absolutely shitty about the whole thing. I thought he hated me. I started going to the bar every night, dragging Jinxx with me. I would get wasted, cry to Jinxx and he would drag my sorry arse back to the bus where I would sleep off my hangover the next day. I wasn't the only one who was upset. Andy was sad all the time. I was starting to think Juliet broke up with him. Jake and CC had it pretty bad too. They started and ended each day with a screaming match. They yelled about everything and nothing. One night they were fighting about the color of roses we should have on the bus. How they got to that, I'll never know. In my opinion, Jinxx had it the worse. Everyone else had a way to deal with there problems. I drank, CC and Jake fought, Andy cried at night when he thought we couldn't hear. But Jinxx? Silence. He listened to our problems and tried to help but none of us could help him. His mystery girl slowly started to break him. I didn't know how but his eyes started to lose the spark they used to have. About a week into the tour I found him outside and he seemed to be holding back tears. I leaned against the side of the bus next to him. He didn't look at me and I didn't expect him to. "So who is she?"

A/N: This was meant as a filler to get things moving. I hope you like it. The next chapter will be about Jinxx but still Ashes POV I think and slowly we'll get into Andy's problem. I'm kinda happy with this chapter ^-^

Just One More Tour *Andley*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt