It Just Happened *Chapter 18*

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Ashes POV

I didn't want or expect the kiss with Ronnie to go anywhere but he made me feel loved and I really needed that right now. I felt extremely cheap when I crawled out of bed while Ronnie was sleeping. I took a shower and took the walk of shame. I was sore and even though I showered, I felt dirty and used. I guess I was the one who used Ronnie. I was a whore. A cheap whore. I didn't deserve Andy or anyone really. Who would want me.

The tears rolled silently down my cheeks. I found a lake and sat down in the sand. It was dark and I could see the stars and it was peaceful. Sitting there by the water I started to understand something no one should understand. I got it. I really did. Why someone would ever take take their lives. Everyone thought the worst about me. I was always under or over someone. Some girl or in this case a guy. I was just another whore to everyone. The whore of the band. How stupid could I be? Thinking that what I was doing was just for fun. I was just pushing all my problems away with a few drinks and getting laid. I glanced down at my wrist and thought about ripping them open. I could overdose like Andy or walk into the water until the water was above my head and my problems. But instead, I shook my head. I stood up, dusted off my pants, and wiped off my face. If I learned anything about life its that life goes on.

A/N: This was meant as a filler. Hope you enjoyed. Comment/Vote. It inspires me to update more often.

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