First Kiss!

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Rose's POV

"H-Hawk!" I squeal as the monster plant squeezes me tight.

"I TRUST YOU ROSE!" He yells back.

I shut my eyes tight and hold my breath. Please work please work please work! I feel my palms burn with a familiar warmth.

"Pumpkin magic!" I whisper, focusing all of my energy into the spell. If this works, I could save Hawk! After everything he's done for me I just have to-

With all of my might, I tug at the vines with my orange glowing sheets of magic.

"Tower magic!" Astoria's voice echoes through my brain and suddenly the vines start budging.

She's using her tower magic to try to control the vines! Of course! I push harder, this is my chance!

"ROSE! HEL-" Hawk screams, I whip open my eyes to see OH NO! THE PLANT IS STRANGLING HIM AROUND THE NECK!

"HAWK!" I cry out, "THAT'S IT!"

I rip my arms free of the vines and open my palm. "PUMPKIN MAGIC, PUMPKIN SWORD!"

An orange sword materialises in my hand, pulsing with pumpkin power. I come down hard against the vine with the pumpkin sword but nothing! This can't be happening!

I throw the sword to the ground and start waving my hands around in a circular motion like a maniac. I haven't a clue what I'm doing but I WILL save Hawk. I have to.

"OUCH!" I fell to the ground. I- It worked?! The plant's vines are gone! HAWK!

"Rose!" The sound of his voice makes me heave a sigh of relief. He wraps me in a hug from behind and I swear if I weren't so utterly exhausted, I would squeeze him tight and never let go.

Astoria's POV

"Are you two ok-" Joy exclaims, running towards the couple.

My ivy hair grabs her by the waist and pull her back next to me. "Shh... Let's leave them be."

I gesture to the others to follow me as I walk slowly away from the two lovebirds. We make our way to the Grand Ballroom where Headmistress Cinderella and our classmates, including Shawn, were regrouping.

I see Selena talking to Headmistress Cinderella. So that's where she went! In all the chaos I almost didn't realise she wasn't there.

I lead the team over to Headmistress Cinderella, but I catch a snippet of their conversation and immediately signal everyone to stop and stay behind the pillars.

"Wait Astoria what's g-" Shawn nearly makes me jump but I put my finger over his lip, fighting my blush once I realise what I'm doing.

"Shh! I'm listening!"

"See, I've gotten rather close to Vicky and her useless- I mean! lovely brother between classes and since they're team is only a team of two, I was wondering if I could switch teams?"

I stifle a gasp and quickly wave my arms, signalling everyone to go back and act like we didn't hear a thing. Grabbing Shawn's arm, I run back to the center of the ballroom, my teammates close behind.

"Headmistress Cinderella!" I politely cut into the conversation.

"Oh Astoria! Where are Rose and Hawk?" Granny Cinderella smiles gently.

"Hawk's taking care of Rose while we came to update you. We've taken care of the monster, classes can resume!" I try to contain my excitement as I say that last part.

"Great job!" She pats my shoulder then turns to the chattering students, "Everybody, good news! The monster has been defeated and class can resume as per normal!"

I hear a disgruntled groan coming from my schoolmates as they head off to their next lesson venues. My team and I turn to leave when the Headmistress calls us to stay back.

"Just to let you know, Selena is transferring teams to join Vicky and Cyrus. Could you please tell Rose? And... Try not to upset her too much, I know how eager she was to become close to Selena."

I nod, inwardly wracking my brain for a way to tell Rose without triggering a panic about losing her new friend.

Hawk's POV

Rose and I sit in the empty potions lab in silence, my arms wrapped around her in a tight hug. My face burns but I don't care. I'm just so relieved that she's alright!

"H- H- Hawk?" The Cinderella stutters.

"Y- Yeah?" I stammer back.

"I'm sorry, I'd love to stay like this forever but... My arms kinda hurt?"

I gasp and let her go.

"I'm sorry was I cutting off your circulation? I didn't realise!" I ramble in a panic.

"It's alright Haw-" Rose giggles as she turns around to face me. "Wow your face is all red. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Are you okay? You didn't pass out this time-"

"I'm fine Hawk." She cuts me off with her sweet voice, "... And thank you." She leans in, her soft lips touching mine.

Warmth fills my entire body and I wish the moment would last forever. But just as quickly as it happened, it was over. Rose pulled away, covering her face in embarrassment.


"Rose..." I start, but she runs off before I can finish my sentence.

"... I love you." I mutter to myself as I longingly after the princess. My princess.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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