Powers Surfacing

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Rose's POV

"...I love you." I said, as the portal transported me back to Earth.

As soon a I arrive on my home planet I clasp my hands onto my mouth in shock. D-Did I... Really just say that... Did I just tell Hawk... I love him? I turn slowly to look at Travis to see his mouth agape and his eyes open wide. My face heats up like a burning inferno as my heart beats so fast and hard it feels like it's trying to escape my chest.

"WOAH." Travis says after recovering from what must have been a shock.

"I-Is it that bad?" I replied, my voice so soft it was almost a whisper.

"No! No! I didn't mean it like that!!" Travis smiles slightly. "I just, I honestly thought Hawk would spill first, you know?"

"Sp-Spill what?" I ask, pretending not to know.

Travis opens his mouth to respond but stops before the words leave his mouth. "Nothing..." He says instead of what I know he was about to say.

"O-Oh, alright..." I mutter, it feels wrong to keep the fact that I know a secret, yet I don't want Hawk to get hurt... I don't really know what to do.

The rest of the walk home was silent. But not just any silence, awkward, tense, silence. The worst kind. I didn't know whether to break the silence or not, but even if I wanted to do the former, my mind struck a blank when I tried to think of conversational topics. So instead, I just walked, thinking, pondering over Hawk's possible responses to what I said. Was he happy? Was he shocked? Was he... Disappointed? No no no. He couldn't be... Right? I mean, I know he likes me but what if he doesn't love me... What if he thinks I'm just one of those crazy fangirls now that I said that, what if-

"AHHHHH! ROSE! COULD YOU MAYBE PUT ME DOWN? PLEASE!!!" Travis' voice jolts me back to reality.

I turn to look at him but he isn't standing next to me anymore, then out of the corner of my eye, I see him floating in the sky, surrounded by an orange glow with tiny pumpkin sparkles.

"Oh my pumpkin seeds!" I cry in shock. "I'm so sorry Travis!"

I try to set him down, but end up dropping him.

"AHHHHHHHH!" He screams as he falls towards the ground.

Time seems to slow down. I reach for my wand but it's not where I normally keep it. Panic. What do I do? I feel helpless as I watch him hurl towards the ground. There's only one thing I can do. I swallow hard and quickly close my eyes and open my palms towards him, trying as hard as I can to concentrate all my energy into levitating him in time. Hover! Hover! Hover! I keep repeating in my head.

I dare not open my eyes. 1, 2, 3... No thud. Slowly, I open one eye, then the other and heave a sigh of relief. Travis is hovering just above the ground on what looks like a sheet of the same glowing orange energy. Now that the energy is next to me, I can feel it, it's warm, familiar, almost, and comforting... So this is my power? I carefully tilt the sheet, just enough for Travis to hop off, but not too much to the point where he falls off.

As soon as Travis' feet touch the ground, I relax. 

"Thanks." He gives a nervous laugh, clearly still frightened from the previous events.

I shoot Travis a weak smile, exhausted. With that, we continue walking... I take one step forward and feel my legs go weak. I slump to the floor. Travis turns and I catch a glimpse of his face, filled with worry. I try to get up, but to no avail.

Wait... Everything's... Spinning... Again...


Hi again!

Mewsical here!

I'm sorry for suddenly going on hiatus unannounced! The explanation is in my conversations section!

Anyways, I'm finally back and I hope to continue this story!

Once again, I'm so sorry, I hope you all can forgive me!

Thanks for your understanding!

Luv u guys!


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