What's Wrong Hawk?

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Rose's POV

I wake up to the sun shining beams of diappointment onto my face. The sun... WAIT THE SUN?! OH NO I'M LATE... AGAIN!

I hop out of bed, grabbing my bag and swinging it over my shoulder. Gigi scurries up my arm and tugs on the sleeve of my pajamas. OH NO I'M STILL IN MY PAJAMAS! I practically tear my clothes off and pull on a T-shirt and skirt, the portal would change me into my uniform for me anyways.

I dash down the stairs and grab the sandwich my mother left on the kitchen counter for me and rush out the door, slamming it shut behind me.

When I reach the alleyway where the hidden

portal was, I fumble out my key and jump into the portal.


"DRAGON SIR! HELP!!!" I catch a glimpse of a green dragon out of the corner of my eye.

The dragon grunts and scoops me up, then begins to lecture me about being late... Again.

"Well if it isn't Rose Cinderella... Late again I see." Another dragon, a red one, flies over and looks at me, unimpressed. I give sheepish grin.

The dragon alights me outside the potions lab. I was so late that I already missed Dragon Riding 101... Aww!

I slide off of the dragon and without turning back, scream, "Sorry!!! And thank you! Againnnn!"

I burst into class, panting. Phew! Made it!

Hawk's POV

I get to school bright and early as usual. I can't wait to see Rose again! After what happened yesterday... I hope she comes early so that I can talk to her in private before the school day starts...

I chuckle to myself. Rose? Early? I wish. But still, a prince can dream.

I make my way over to the portal to Earth and sit at the steps, thinking about what I'm going to say to her when she arrives.

"Hawk! What are you doing here? Waiting for Rose?" Travis' teasing voice breaks into my train of thought.

"Oh h-hi Travis!" My face flushes as the Beast's words sink in. "Y-Yeah I am, actually, have you seen her?"

"Nope not yet but good luck!" Travis smirks.

"G-Good luck?" I stutter.

"Well after Rose saying she LOVES you and everything you know just... Good luck." Travis teases, winking before walking off. First period is Dragon Riding 101 and his grandfather wants him there early. Rose's words echo in my mind: "I love you".

1 hour passes and school is starting soon. Still no sign of the Cinderella.

Another half an hour goes by. Nothing.

Oh well, class is starting in 10 minutes... Guess I better go...

I sigh and reluctantly walk away from the portal, turning back to look at it longingly but when it showed no sign of activity, I slap myself back into reality, Rose isn't here yet. It shouldn't be such a big deal, she's notorious for being late, but... This time felt... Different.

Astoria's POV

I reach the Dragon Arena and there's nobody there except for Travis, Shawn, the Beast and... Hawk? Wait where is Hawk? He's normally here by the time I arrive. Strange.

Shawn catches my eye and shoots me a smile and I feel my face burn. I smile back, it feels like my heart is melting...

The chatter from my classmates wakes me up from my lovesick daze and I look around, still no Hawk. Wow. I finally beat him to class!

A few minutes pass and a downtrodden Hawk trudges into the arena. Of course, he's still on time.

"Is something wrong, Hawk?" Joy asks.

Hawk sighs and shakes his head, plastering a fake smile on his face.

What could be the matter with him? Joy and I give each other a confused look, then I turn to tell Rose to talk to him- wait. Rose isn't here.

So THAT'S what's wrong! I heave a sigh of relief and give Joy a knowing smirk. She looks confused at first but then a look of realisation dawns her face.

It's no secret the way Hawk feels for Rose, we're honestly surprised they haven't figured each other's feelings out yet. They're both terrible at hiding it.

"Chin up SnowWhite, Rose wouldn't want you to be so sad just because she's late again." I whisper into his ear, half teasing half genuinely advising.

His face turns as red as an apple but his smile also becomes more genuine as he nods.

Dragon Riding 101 ends and there's still no sign of Rose. I wonder if she's gonna beat her record and miss TWO whole periods or if she's going to turn up midway through potions class...

Oh well, we'll wait and see I guess.

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