The Cinderella Legend

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Rose's POV

"Hey you two! Why didn't you guys come yesterday?" Astoria asked.

"Come? Uh... What do you mean?"

"We all agreed to meet at Rapunzel Tower yesterday so that Astoria could tell us about the other Cinderella legend?" Travis answers with a confused look on his face.

"It's not like you to be so forgetful Hawk..."

"Oh uh... sorry guys?"

"Guys it's not his fault... I wasn't feeling too good yesterday and Hawk was just busy taking care of me!" I pipe in, I owe Hawk, he took care of me yesterday and even let me sleep on his bed while he slept on a mattress!

"Alright, but next time, maybe don't devote so much attention to Rose that you forget about the rest of us, okay Hawk?" Joy teases.

"Sorry!" Hawk let out a nervous laugh and blushed slightly at Joy's comment.

"So... Could you guys fill us in on this 'other Cinderella legend'? Seems like it's something I should know, you know, me being a Cinderella and all." I ask, shifting my gaze from Hawk to Astoria.

"Of course! Basically it says that someone in the cinderella family can do cool things like magic with their bare hands and then they get super tired but it's super powerful and cool and-"

"Travis, maybe we should let Astoria explain it..." Ling Ling whispers into his ear.

"Rose, the other cinderella legend speaks of a Cinderella who has the ability to wield pumpkin magic with her bare hands. She can also empower others to be able to do the same for a period of time. And Rose, we think it's you."

I gasp. "M-me?"

"Yea, but it's a dangerous power, you must learn to control it or it will take over your body and slowly destroy you from the inside."

I feel a shiver go up my spine at the thought of my own power destroying me.

"Stop it you're scaring her..." Hawk worriedly whisper-shouts at Astoria.

"It's the truth though, sorry Rose..."

"I-It's ok... I'm just... Surprised." I stammer, questions swirling my head making me feel dizzy.

What happens if I don't control it? Why me? Who can help me? What do I do? How do I control this?


"Hawk?! Wh-What?"

"Thank goodness... You zoned out and then suddenly started crying!"

"I- What?" 

Then I realise that it was true. I had started crying in the middle of nowhere.

"O-Oh... Whoops! Sorry I didn't mean to cry... I'm fine now." I say as I wipe the tears from my eyes.

After the meeting ended, I started to make my way back to the portal back to Earth when all of a sudden I feel a hand grab mine and tug me aside. Before I can even react, my eyes meet Hawk's, his crystal blue eyes stare into mine, a worried look in them.

"Rose are you sure you're okay?" Hawk asks, his hands one on my shoulder and the other on my waist. I feel my face heat up as I stare shocked into his gorgeous eyes.

"I- I... D- Does it matter?" I stammer, holding back tears that pushed at my eyes to get out. I'm scared. I don't want to hurt people! I don't want to be destroyed by myself! Who knows what will happen to me now?

Hawk's POV

"Rose, I can see that you're scared. I see it in your eyes. You can't hide it from me, you don't have to hide it from me. I'm here for you Rose... I- I lo-" I start before Rose crumbles into my arms, tears running down her flushed cheeks.

"I- I don't know what to do Hawk! I don't want to hurt you, or anyone... I don't think I can do this..."

"Oh Rose... I know you can do it. You're the most amazing girl I've ever met. You're kind, selfless, sweet, funny, and of course, powerful. I know you have what it takes. I'm always going to be here for you. I always have and always will."

"Hawk... I... Sorry... I- I'm so scared... I just- I-" Rose cries.

I kneel down next to her and gently tilt her chin up towards me, making her aquamarine eyes meet mine. I gently plant a kiss on her soft lips, quieting the crying princess.

"Hawk..." Rose starts after we pull away.

"Rose... I've been meaning to tell you for the longest time now. I lov-"

"WOAH!" Travis' voice exclaims.

Both Rose and I immediately jump to our feet, blushing bright red. 

"Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt you guys... Hawk does this mean you finally told-"

I cast a look that said "NO STOP!" at Travis and he immediately trails off. 

"Well... Uh... Rose I actually came to get you. Your parents are wondering where you are."

"Oh ok..." Rose starts to walk slowly towards the portal. "Bye, Hawk..." 

She steps into the portal and casts a smile back at me, "... I love you."

With that, she disappears from sight. I stand there in shock for a moment, then crumble to the ground, in a puddle of love-sick goo. I knew Rose liked me but love? LOVE? I know this isn't how a prince should behave, but Rose, ROSE, just said she loved me! If only I could tell her too.


Hey guys!

Mewsical here!

It's been a while! Sorry about that! I can't promise consistent uploads, but I'll work on it!

In the meantime, I hope you guys can be patient with me! 

Thanks and have a great life!

See you guys soon!


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