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Vicky's POV

I smirk to myself as the newbie girl is caught with the vials I instructed her to take.

She runs off towards the lab. Perfect. Just as I had planned. Now let's hope my idiot of a brother doesn't mess up my ingenious plan.

As I watch her run, I think about my brother. That pea-brained ditz will never remember what I said! Honestly sometimes I wonder how we're even related. I need to get to the lab before he screws up big time and all my meticulous planning goes to waste.

Oh who am I kidding! "Meticulous planning"? Pfft! Yeah right! The plan came as easy as A, B, C for me. My brother, on the other hand, he's a hopeless case.

I race over to the lab, taking a secret shortcut I found one day while searching for a discreet location to make a hidden lab of my own. The dorm was great for potions and all, but the teachers have keys and I can't risk getting caught.

I arrive at the lab and my brother gives me a shocked look, blinking blurly before asking, "Wait... Am I not supposed to be here?"

I roll my eyes. Yes, he is. "No, you aren't. Give me that potion and go away! Shoo! What are you doing here?!"

"Sorry Vicky!" He says apologetically, handing me the potion I prepared in advance in case ever given the opportunity to use it and running out of the lab and towards the dorms.

I give an exasperated sigh and look down at the vial of green liquid in my hand. Finally... This potion can only be used on descendants of villains who have been what the heroes call "reformed". One drop would immediately bring out their evil roots and the maker of the potion would become their masters.

I feel a cackle surfacing but am cut off by Selena's voice.

"Oh hi Vicky!"

Ugh. Her voice is almost as chirpy as Rose's. Disgusting. What a disgrace.

I put on my good girl act and turn to face her with a sweet smile plastered on my face.

"Hi Selena!" I say in my sickly sweet tone.

"What are you doing here? I just came to return the vials you told me to take! I didn't know it was against the rules!"

I facepalm internally.

"I'm just testing my new drink formula!" I lie. "Oh! Actually, I've been meaning to find someone to help me test it and tell me what they think! Would you mind?"

I give myself a pat on the back for that one. That was by far one of my best lies period.

"Oh! Sure!" Selena smiles, taking the potion from my outstretched arm.

I watch in anticipation as she uncorks it and lifts the vial to her mouth. The green potion made it way into her mouth. Now all she had to do was swallow and- THERE!

Selena slumped to the ground, unconscious.

I finally let that cackle I have been withholding out. Perfect. Just perfect.

I hide the vial and snap my fingers in front of Selena's face. Her eyes spring open, but their natural crystal colour has been replaced by a shade of aquamarine, as if the emerald colour of the potion has mixed with her eyes.

The potion has successfully taken effect.

"Go back to Rose and her friends and act like nothing has happened." I telepathically instruct my new slave.

Like a well-oiled machine, Selena does exactly as told, immediately after being told to do it. Such a nice change from my usual hassel to get Cyrus to understand the simplest evil plans.

Everything is falling into place.

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