Fangirls' Drama

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"Yah, Taehyung! Are you drunk?" I accuse, "Whatever, I'm going to class now

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"Yah, Taehyung! Are you drunk?" I accuse, "Whatever, I'm going to class now." I push against his bicep and begin to walk away, but he wraps his arms around me and hugs me, his solid chest up against my back.

"...Can we stay like this for a while?" Taehyung whispers sadly, nuzzling his face in my neck. His golden-brown hair tickles my skin, but I ignore it. I don't know what to do... he sounds so sad. My heart breaks at the knowledge of him being upset.

So I let him hug me and we stay like that for awhile, slowly rocking back and forth in the middle of the hallway, trying to find some sort of comfort in each other's arms.


My eyes widen at the sound. Is that...?

"Did you hear that?" I ask Taehyung, turning around in his arms.

"It's probably your imagination," he plays it off. "You should go now."

Pushing me away, I oblige his action and head to class. I glance back once to see Taehyung dialing a number. I'm sure it was just my imagination, as Taehyung said it was.

After a long school day, I find myself trekking down the white hallway with a sore back from sitting in rigid chairs all day. Seriously, they need to invest in some cushions or something. Church pews would be more comfortable than those chairs! Maybe I should make a complaint? Perhaps I'll ask a church if they have any spare pews. Yeah, I'll have to try that.

I notice everyone is staring at me, but I ignore them and head to my red locker; I gasp when a bunch of rubbish and crushed papers spill out. What the heck?

I pick up the papers, each one saying something like, "Bitch! Why don't you just die already?" or, "Slut are you that shameless?" One even says, "I can't believe you're the kind of person that plays around with boys!"

I look around to see people giving me disgusted looks, and I scowl, "Yah! Who wrote all this? Come out and face me, you cowards!!"

A bevy of girls come and crowd around me like baying dogs, each one wearing a disgusting mask of shit on their face... oh wait, those are just their faces.

I recognise them as Jimin's and Taehyung's fans and prepare for a load of shit...besides their faces.

"Yah, you're Kyung Eun aren't you? How dare you kiss Jimin in class?!" One screeches. Talk about dramatic.

"And how do you explain this, Kyung Eun?!" One girl from Taehyung's fan group - whom I'm assuming is the leader - throws a photo on the floor.

I look down and realise it's a picture of Taehyung and me hugging earlier. So I didn't imagine that...

I shrug, "Yes, that's all real. But firstly, the incident where Taehyung and I were hugging, was just me comforting him. Secondly, Jimin kissed me, not the other way around! Get your facts right."

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