Chapter 6: Surprises

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Dean's POV

It's (Y/N)s 26 birthday. I want to do something special because its also our 3 year anniversary. I have spent the last 3 years with her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I think I'm going to ask her to marry me. Am I moving to fast? What if she says no? I'm over thinking this. I'll just text Sammy since he's out.

Dean: Hey Sam can you help me out?

Sam: Sure, what's up?

Dean: First have you seen (Y/N)?

Sam: She went to visit Bobby so to speak.

Dean: Okay, the thing is I want to ask her to marry me, and I don't know how.

Sam: Well just be yourself, that's why she fell for you in the first place right?

Dean: Yeah you're right. Thanks Sam. Do you think we can get the bunker to ourselves?

Sam: Yeah sure, good luck.

I let out a sigh and started to set up the projector room. I wanted this to be prefect for her at least. It's what she deserved. I was the luckiest guy on the planet since I had her by my side. I spent about 4 hours laying out candles and rose petals. I had gotten some champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. They were her favorite thing to have together. I put on our song and waited for the love of my life to come home.

(Y/N)'s POV

You got back and it was oddly quite. It made you some what nervous. So you called out. 

"Dean! Sam!" There was no answer. You checked all the rooms and the kitchen as you headed down to the garage you heard music coming from one of the rooms. It was the projector room. 'Odd' You thought to yourself as you pulled out your knife not sure what was behind that door.  You walked over ever so cautiously making sure to not make any unnecessary noises. You opened the door to find something that took your breath away. There in the middle of the room was Dean. He was holding a bouquet of roses and wearing a full suit. You hands immediately went to your mouth as tears tried to fall from your eyes. 

"Happy birthday and Anniversary baby." He said with a soft smile on his face. He took a step towards you. 

"Oh Dean, this is beautiful." You said and he placed the roses down on the table near by. 

"I wanted to do something special for you. You deserve it." You and Dean watched movies and ate strawberries. 

"Dean, can you hand me a drink." You asked him and he nodded handing you a coke. You started to drink it and you almost swallowed something. With a confused look on your face you pulled out a beautiful ring. It was silver and had diamonds around the band nothing flashy but it was beautiful. You looked at Dean. 

"Dean, what is this?" You asked finally looking up at him and he was there down on one knee. 

"(Y/N), I've been thinking about this for a long time. I want to have you for the rest of my life. You have been by my side through a lot of shit. Your everything to me so.. Will you marry me?"

You started to cry tears of joy and it made your heart skip a beat. You couldn't believe what had just happened. You're hands cover your mouth and you started to nod frantically. 

"Yes. A thousand times yes." You said holding out you hand. Dean smiled and slipped the ring on your finger. He picked you up and spun you around giving you a deep kiss. He gently set you down. 

"I was so afraid that you would say no." He said with fear in his voice. 

"Are you crazy I would have to be dead to say no to you." You said giving him a playful smack against his broad chest. Dean laughed and rested his forehead against yours. 

"I love you, (Y/N)" He whispered just so you could hear him. 

"I love you too, Dean." You said feeling safe and completely in love with the man in front of you.

It had been about 6 months since you and Dean got engaged. Surprisingly you were able to plan a whole wedding and still take out monsters. It was the day of the wedding you and Dean wanted to do it soon since everyday isn't a guarantee for you guys. Jody finished helping you with your dress and hair. You looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. 

"You look beautiful (Y/N). Dean's a lucky guy. I better get going they should be starting soon." She smiled giving me a big hug before leaving.

"Thanks Jody. I'll see you soon." Jody left and you looked into the mirror. You looked at the dress. You wished your parents where there to see you. You heard a knock on the door. Someone told you that it was time and you got ready to see your soon to be husband.

Dean's POV

Someone came in and told me it was time. I walked out and stood in my place with Sam next to me. The music started and I look to the door. And there she was my ass kicking girlfriend, soon to be wife. She looked like an angle. Not those asshole ones but, that one that has a smile that could change the whole world. I felt tears brimming my eyes. I really love that woman. "Dude wow." Sam said he was as dumbfounded as I was. "She looks so, I can't put words to it." I said back to my brother. 

"I'm proud of you. You're lucky you got a girl like her." Sam whispered as we both watched (Y/N) walk down the aisle. 

"I know." I smirked. She finally reached the alter. I took her hand.

"You look so beautiful. Bobby would be proud." She smiled and I could see her eyes tear up just a little at the mention of him. I knew she missed him and she definitely wanted him here. 

"Thanks. I wish he was here to see this. And you don't look to bad either batman." I let out a slight chuckle. The ceremony went on and the priest said it was time for vows. I cleared my through and looked into her sparkling (e/c) eyes.

"(Y/N), the first day I met you at that bar I thought I was just going to get laid and leave. But as we went on talking I didn't just want to fuck you till you couldn't see straight. I felt something that I haven't felt in a very long time. When I found out you were Bobby's daughter to be honest I was scared. Then you came to me that night. I didn't know what to do. I was awake wishing that you would come to me. When you asked if you could stay with me I thought I was dreaming. Then I found out you made pie. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I fell in love with you and this feeling I get every time I see your face or even hear your voice. When you got shot, I thought I had lost you forever. I saw you in that hospital gown and I thought you had died and I was scared. (Y/N), I love you and I don't know how I would have live without you. I want to be there for you through out our crazy fucked up life. I promise that I will protect you, and love you, and care for you until I die and don't come back. And even then I will never leave you. I'm so happy that I have you by my side and I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

She had tears streaming down her face. I was thankful that she had waterproof makeup on but, she looks better without it either way. I wiped her tears away with my thumb. And she kissed my hand and cleared her voice.

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