Chapter 3: Love and Ghost stories

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You were at the window seal looking out the window thinking about Dean of course. You had been writing but, it was no use nothing could distract you from the green eyed Winchester. You ended up lost in your own thoughts mentally fighting with yourself. 

'It's been a week there have been no cases and I've fallen for Dean.  What is wrong with me.  We sit and talk about old cases or just about what we want to be. He let's me fall asleep on his chest not that I'm complaining it's just weird. I don't know what we are doing. Ugh,  what do I keep talking to myself.' 

You walked into the kitchen and saw Dean standing next to the fridge his plaid over shirt sleeves were rolled up and his muscular arms were showing. You leaned up against the door frame watching his every. Move. 

'I think I'm going to die.  Why does he have to be so hot.' 

You shook the nasty thoughts out of your head and went to get a beer from the fridge. Dean watched you walk across the kitchen a question burning a whole is his head. You looked at him. 

"Well,  your looking at me like you got something to say. So what's up?" You asked jumping up onto the counter and sipping your beer. Dean sighed and ran his hand through his hair. 

"(Y/N) what are we? Like what are we doing?" You looked at him worried he was about to reject you. He saw this look and immediately tried to reassure you. 

"Not that I don't like being around you and having someone to hold at night. It's just. Damn, usually it's the girl saying this shit to me." Dean paused, set his half empty beer on the table, and  walked over to you. "(Y/N)...I like you a whole lot. A lot more than I had originally intended.  I know we just met and all. But honestly I don't want to not have you by my side." Dean stopped searching your face for some kind of sign that you feel the same way. You stared into his green eyes. 

"Dean...I don't know what to say." Dean sighed and placed both his hands on your knees. 

"You don't have to say anything now. But I do want to ask you. Will you be mine? Again you don't have to answer now but eventually." Your heart fluttered in your chest and you got butterflies. 

"Dean...I already know what my answer is." Dean had been looking at your hands till you said that and he looked up a little grin on his face. "I would love to be yours." Dean got so happy he picked you up off the counter sprung you around in a circle and gently set you down. You were giggling and felt happy for the first time in a long time. Dean leaned down placing both his hands on either side of your face and he kissed you. Sparks set off in your stomach. After a moment he pulled away his lips millimeters away from yours. 

"Baby Girl, I think I'm in love with you." He said finally opening his eyes to meet your sparkling (e/c) eyes. 

"I think I'm in love with you too Winchester." You giggled and rested you head on his chest. That was till you noticed your dad standing in the door way leading to his study library thing. 

"You two done yet?" Bobby asked with his arms across his chest. Dean chuckled lowly and you felt the vibrations. 

"What's up dad?" You said pulling away from Dean. Who seemed to be sad that you let got. 

"I found you two a case." 

"Oh thank god!" You said finally being about to go out and kill something. Dean chimed in. 

"What and where?" Dean took a seat and the kitchen table. 

"Its a ghost in Utah a small place called Kearns. It seems like a janitor was murdered there and now it terrorizing the teachers and students at the high school there." You ran upstairs and grabbed your hunting bag without them noticing. 

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