Chapter 1: First Time

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You walked into a bar after a long night of killing vamps. You took off your blood stained jacket and set in on the back of the chair you decided to sit in. The bartender walked over to you. 

"The strongest thing you've got." You said while you ran your hand through you hair. 

"Hard day at work?" He said as he poured you a shot of whiskey. You gave a dray laugh. 

"You have no idea." And with that you chugged down the shot. The whiskey burning the back of your throat. The bartender poured you another shot. 

"Nice ink." He gestured to your protection tattoo on your wrist. You looked down at the ink on you wrist. Little did he know what it was for and what it stood for. 

"Oh Thanks." The door creaked open you could feel the warm summer breeze across your bare arms. A extremely attractive man sat about 3 stools down. You were distracted by his looks till your favorite song came on the radio. You were half paying attention to him and the bartender. The man had sandy blonde hair, it was a mess and he looked like he had just been through some shit. The bartender walked over to him. 

"What can I get you?" The man ran his hand through his hair. 

"The strongest thing you've got. Thanks." The bartender laughed and shook his head. 

"Well I guess your not the only one having a hard day." The man looked up at the bartender. He had a puzzled look on his face. 

"What do you mean?" The bartender pointed down to you. The sandy blonde man looked at you. Your immediate thought was to take your knife and be ready to attack. But you were too tired to do that. You gave him a shy smile and a little wave. He waved at the bartender. 

"Can I take the bottle?" The bartender nodded and gave him the bottle. The blonde haired man walked towards you. 

"Hey, heard you had a hard day?" I laughed and nodded 

"Yeah. You?" He smiled and that when you noticed his bright green eyes. 

"Yeah, I'm Dean Winchester" You looked up at him confusion on your face. You knew the name. You knew his face. All those childhood memories flooded back. Things you had shoved to far back into your mind came back. You acted like you had no clue who he was. Since he obviously didn't recognize you. 

"Winchester? Hmm...(Y/N) Singer." You hummed holding out you hand. He took it and shook it. Dean sat down next to you and refilled your cup. You watched him closely still keeping your guard up. 

You ran your hand though your hair and your tattoo showed. Dean looked up right as you did spotting you tattoo. "Wait your a hunter?!" He said with surprise dripping from his voice. 

"Um, yeah I am how did you figure it out?" Dean pointed at your tattoo a cup of whiskey still in his hand.  

"Your tattoo." You shook your head and rolled you eyes. 

"I was being sarcastic." Dean flashed his tattoo at you. Knowing that would bring your guard down. 

"I don't need to see it, Winchester. I know who you are. Anyone within a thousand miles of here knows who you are." You said as you drank down your fourth shot.  

"So was it a bad hunt?" He asked making sure the bartender wasn't paying any attention. You hung your head low as the events of that night played in the back of your mind. 

"Let's just say that we can't always protect or save everyone. And it's a hard ass pill to swallow."  You poured yourself another drink and drank it. Dean saw the sad look you had in your eyes. 

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