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The knife fell out of my hand and landed under the kitchen table with a clashing sound. I sighed. I was too old for this.
I decided not to make a sandwich and made my way into the living room instead. The sunlight of early spring was already falling trough the balcony doors. I opened them and walked outside, letting the breeze breathe trough my hair and the few grey hairs that are already showing themselves.

Dandelions were growing all around the house, looking like little droplets of gold in the furrows of the balcony. My writing essentials were still laying on the table outside. I sat down on the garden chair that creaked in response. The pen was still the same after many years. Holding it in my hand feels like skimming through a book. I would close my eyes and remember moments of intriguing love. Because that's all it had been.

I smiled to myself as i felt the words that had been engraved into the dark wood. The quill was made of metal.
I heard the doorbell ring from afar. I attempted to get up, but realised pretty quickly that that wouldn't work out to well, so I just fell back into my chair.
"I'm in the garden."
Footsteps were heard walking around the house. They sounded hastily as if the person couldn't decide on one pace.
Minutes later, Tyler stumbled around the corner and just stood there for a minute, trying to catch his breath. I noticed that he hadn't been shaving his face. Contrary to that, he was smiling as if he'd won the world.

"Pete!" he exclaimed after a while. "I'm going to be a father!"
Having been able to finally reveal the good news seemed to bring the wonderful reality closer to him once more because he started to laugh with indescribable happiness.
I smiled back at him, not noticing the genuine tears of joy coming down from my eyes before it was almost too late.

"Yeah! Jenna just told me!" He threw up his arms. "Pete, can you imagine? I won't be getting genuine sleep for days, but it doesn't matter. Lord, it doesn't matter because it's the best thing that will have ever happened to me."

"And you came all the way up here to tell me?"

"I surely did!" he replied laughing and then a little more serious: "Of course I did. You're like a father to me."

So I asked him if he wanted to drink something and he said yes because he was exhausted. The good news let the sun shine even brighter and the birds sing even merrier and Tyler was still smiling and sitting at the table when I returned with some lemonade.
"Thank you." he said and eagerly finished the glass in one go.
"It's a girl." he mentioned when he was done and he shook his head as if he still couldn't believe it. He then pointed at the pile of paper on my desk.
"You're working on something again?"
I nodded.

"Why don't you use the typewriter me and Jenna gave you for Christmas?" he asked. "We thought you would love it."
"I do." I assured him and took a sip of lemonade. "These are just notes. They are always handwritten."
He seemed to understand.
"Will you read to her when she's there?" Tyler asked, referring to his unborn daughter.
"If you still visit me then."

"Of course I will, you will be like a grandfather to her."

Tyler stayed for another hour before he had to leave for work. He spent almost too much time saying goodbye and promising over and over again that he would keep me up to date and that he would continue to visit with his family.
When he was gone, I finally managed to get up and look after the mail.
It was bills and advertisement as always, but at the back of the old mailbox, I found a post card.
I grabbed it and studied it from all sides. It showed a picture of a lake of some sort or even the sea. I just didn't know which one. I flipped the card over and read the messily written words on it.

Hey old friend,
We're sitting on a balcony in a restaurant somewhere in Italy and while looking at the calm water in the sunset, I remembered the night were you pretty much saved my life. I hope you find this in the mountains of fan letters you must receive ;)
I hope you didn't forget about me!

I smiled to myself while reading. As I walked back into the house, I put the postcard on the pin board in my kitchen. I took a few steps back and yes, even from afar it looked nice and felt as if I was there.
Somewhere in Italy.

And I still sing glory
From my high rise
And I will say "Thanks"
When you pour in my drinks
-Train under water, Bright eyes

Mr. Babydoll and the journals of his inner blizzard [peterick]Where stories live. Discover now