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"I thought you're sick." Joe said and eyed me suspiciously. His gaze stopped at the thick, red scarf around my neck.
"I felt fine enough to go to work again." I opined and made my way to the kitchen. Luckily, my voice wasn't as hoarse as yesterday.
"You could've at least called to let me know you would come. Pete, this place isn't a little valley café anymore."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Oh, all of the sudden you're okay with this place changing? Don't think I didn't see the disapproval on your face when Hayley came up with all the pastel shit." I was aware that I sounded a tad too aggressive, but it gave me some sort of satisfaction.

"Of course all this pastel-princess shit is hella cheesy, but Hayley takes better care of this place than her uncle ever did in his entire career. She pays more and a lot earlier. This place is gaining popularity pretty fast and that means we have to try harder and  more serious." Joe explained.
"What am I supposed to tell Gabe now that you're here?"

I blinked in confusion. "Gabe?"

Joe nodded. "Yeah. Let's say he was your substitute. Hayley met him at a party once. He's a nice dude and he did his job pretty well."

A weird feeling of irritation and anger swelled up inside me. "Oh, is he? Should I go back home, so he can do his work?!"

"I didn't know you could be so squeamish." Joe remarked and smiled mockingly. "Easy buddy, he's not going to replace you entirely. We just thought about offering him a place to work. Hayley's glad about every little help we can get."

"You  must be moronic if you really think I'd be jealous. This place doesn't mean shit to me." I affirmed and before Joe could reply, the bell above the door rang and a few costumers came in. "My turn." I said before I made my way to the counter.

There wasn't much going on this afternoon and according to Joe we would be a lot busier the following weekend when the last minute Christmas shopping starts. Can't wait 'til all of that is over.

Hayley walked trough the door a few minutes later. And she wasn't alone. A young, but impressively tall man stumbled after her.
"I'm quite late, sorry." he smiled apologetically. He was pretty handsome actually, so I couldn't be suspicious for long.

When his dark eyes met mine, he smiled genuinely and reached out his hand in an attempt to shake mine. "You must be Pete, right? Pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Gabe." I said and shook his hand. He nodded and disappeared in the kitchen.

I hear Joe letting out a whistle. I turned around to give him a confused look. "What?"

"Can you get trough a single day without starring at men like they invented the world?" he asked, grinning and raising an eyebrow.

"The fuck are you talking about?"

"You just stared at Gabe as if he's a five star menu."

I felt my face heating up and turned to a pile of used plates, so my stupid coworker wouldn't see.  "Bitch. I was taught to look people in the eyes when I talk to them, I don't fucking know what your parents told you."

"Speaking of. How's Patrick?" Joe asked.
I turned my head and stared at him, eyes widened in disbelief.
"Patrick?! Are you fucking serious? Jesus Christ, can't you all just leave me alone already?!"

Joe held up his hands as an apologetic gesture. "I was just asking. You're being extremely sensitive today."

I ignored him and quickly approached the kitchen with the pile of plates in my hands. I harshly put them in the sink, probably almost breaking them in the process. Dishwashing was a very unappealing hobby, but it helped to order my thoughts. Why are people so obsessed with romance? So what if I find specific men a tad attractive? Even if my crush on Patrick will probably never really fade, I'd have to get over it sooner or later. It's not like I hadn't spent several nights imagining us two as a couple. I did that way too often and I could slap myself across the face every time for even allowing my brain to go that far.
It wouldn't be half as bad if people would mind their own goddamn business and not go into mocking mode right away. It's my problem if I can't fall asleep anymore because Patrick is the most beautiful person on this motherfucking planet.

Mr. Babydoll and the journals of his inner blizzard [peterick]Where stories live. Discover now