Part 19

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"Felix they're here!" I shout as soon as I see him, his face gets from a small smile to all seriousness and he runs inside. A few seconds later a loud bell is heard and everyone runs inside, as do I.

I run to the place where everyone's equipment is and grab The closets bow and quiver I can find. "Everyone take a position," Felix says as watching everyone making sure they're in the right position.

I run through the forest where there's a big empty field. I hide behind and high in the tree closest to the field. I tighten my bow holding the arrow in place. They should be here at any moment. Hoseok? What happens when Hoseok doesn't come through there. Shit.

No One's POV
As soon Ari is out of sight Hoseok spread his wings and hurries to the place he hears the footsteps came from.

He lands a few trees away from them as they luckily don't notice him he attacks as it's the only thing to right now. He strikes down two followers with a blast of wind and immediately they start attacking him he gets attacked by all sides, but still can defeat some before getting held to the floor his arm getting pushed too far up his back.
"I hear someone coming." Someone says as they all look the way the sound' coming from. Hoseok also hears it and hopes it's someone from his side. "Hoseok!" He panics, he doesn't want it to be Ari anyone but her. "A-" before he's able to shout her name his head gets smashed in the ground making him swallow some mud.

Ari hears it but isn't sure of what it actually was. It was Hoseok, but what he was shouting is the question. What if he's in danger? She thinks as she starts running hoping he's holding out okay. She grabs her bow and tighten the bowstring with an arrow from her quiver and starts running ready to see someone get into view.

She sees Hoseok pinned to the ground and a whole army looking her at her with lust in their eyes. "Hello, I don't think we've met be-" his words get cut off by an arrow in his shoulder. He isn't affected by it though it's more like a sting than a pain. Hoseok starts fighting against the people who are holding him down, but failing as there are just to many angels holding him down. "Don't you think it's kind of rude to shoot someone in the shoulder?"

Hoseok panics knowing he's not the kind who can control his temper especially when shot in the shoulder. "No don't try to run you won't get very far. As you can see I can control you." He says as he makes Ari freezing in place. "Weird is it not? Not being able to control your own body no matter how hard you try." Ari stays silent as she doesn't really know what to say except cursing him on the inside. "Maybe we should take you with us. What do you think Hoseok?"

When they finally turn their attention to Hoseok they see him breathing faster, uncontrolled, his eyes flashing from white to red again and the dim aura around getting visible again. "Leave her alone." The two angels holding him down get shot into a tree by a bursting of wind. The guy holding Ari looks at Hosoek in fear as he's a freak of nature and he stares him in the eyes his eyes not flashing between colors anymore only showing the glowing red reflecting his anger. "Don't step closer or she'll be done for." He warns putting a knife against Ari's throat. "Don't play with me." Hoseok says as he makes the knife fly out of his hands still making a little cut in her throat but not a fatal one.

The others run into the field seeing some angels run to them and they both run at each other without a second thought.

Yoongi dodges a sword, grabbing it and killing the owner. Then another sword stabs him in the leg but luckily Jimin sees it and runs in to shield Yoongi. Jimin fights off the others with easy with his determination to keep Yoongi save. 

In the meantime at the other side of the field are fighting Taehyung and Jungkook together like a real A-team. Defeating every enemy with teamwork.

The general of the angels walks onto the field and shouts: "retreat." Some listen only to be one with the ground after and the other run away with at least some cuts on their body.

"Where are Ari and hosoek?" Namjoon asks as Jin leans on him tired from all the energy he spilled. "Here!" They hear Ari shout slurring Hoseok over the ground unconscious. "A little help?" They run over, worried. "What happened?" "He got that thing again were his eyes go red."


"Do you feel any better?" Ari asks Hoseok as he nods and caresses her cheek looking at every detail and loving every detail. He's sure what to do. "You should go home." She shakes her head not wanting to leave. "I want to stay with you." She says getting a pink-ish colour on her cheeks. "Then stay," he says pulling her towards him so that she lays on the bed next to him. "Ya know I'm starting to like these sensations." "You mean emotion?" "Same difference." "Now I can keep you forever since Felix is already discussing thing with upstairs.


When I wake up the extra warmth of Hoseok is gone, I feel around on the king sized bed hoping he's still in the bed so I can continue to sleep. The events of yesterday still play through my head first seeing him on the ground then he throws everyone aside without even moving a muscle. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

He isn't here, maybe I should go look for him.

"Jungkook, have you seen Hoseok?" He shakes his head and I decide just walk around and hopefully find him.


"Guys I can't find hoseok!" "Maybe he went home." "Well, now I feel dumb." "Do you want us to go check?" Jin asks I nod sitting down while they stand up.


I walk around the forest passing time while waiting for a call from the boys.
"Hosoek?" He stands at the edge of a cliff looking down at something his gaze staying in one place. Focusing on something at the bottom of the cliff.

The Hope That Comes With The Loss |JHS| ✔️ [completed]Where stories live. Discover now