Part 17

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No one's POV
Ari who is surprised by Hoseok's statement makes a decision she instantly regrets as she leaves the room: leaving the room without saying anything else. What was she supposed to say there wasn't anything she could think of. What did he expect to happen? Well, the thing is that he doesn't know why he said that and he feels a heavy feeling in his chest as she leaves the room. Ari walks through the long hallway not knowing where she's going.

"What happened?" Jin asks as he just saw Ari leave room in a haste. Hoseok doesn't say anything and jin slaps him on the back of his head waking him up. "Uhmm, I blurted something out and I regret it." "What did you say?" "I told she makes me fundable. I couldn't help she kept shouting at me asking why I didn't want her to help." "Aish, you know nothing about girls."

Ari continues walking she decided after a long think session she decided to go home the only thing is that her ride was Jin and she didn't want to explain the conversation she had so just decided to walk.

she didn't know how much time had passed since her phone died a couple of minutes ago. Also, the fact that her phone died and she was walking alone through a forest made her a little paranoid. every sound she was able to hear but the thing is that telling yourself that it's an animal doesn't help even a little. maybe I should just run exercise is good for you. she thinks to herself and starts to run as she already feels adrenaline kick in.

she runs getting out of breath quickly, mostly when she stumbles over a branch falling hard on the ground.


"guys! Did you see Ari anywhere I can't find her." "No, why are you looking for her?" Jungkook asks Jin. "Because she's supposed to ride with me." "maybe she decided to take a walk," Namjoon suggests. "yeah, but I can't reach her she doesn't pick up." Taehyung adds, "I'm also gonna walk." Hoseok says as he walks in the room. they all nod hoping nothing happened even though it's highly unlikely.


Ari tries again. she stands up, but with the next step she falls again hitting the floor and the pain shoots through her knee again.


she shakes her head hoping she heard it wrong even if it is someone she doesn't want to take the change of it being a pervert.

"Ari!" she hears a voice a lot like Hoseok' shout as she instantly shouts back: "here!" "Ari, why are you sitting on the floor aren't you cold?" "Of course I'm cold dumbass. It's just I can't exactly stand up," she says looking at the ground fiddling with the fallen leaves. He looks her up and down not knowing what she means, but then seeing her knee open and the colour of blood on her blue pants. Hoseok lifts Ari bridal style as she puts her arms around him, burying her head into his neck as he's warm.


They return to the base so that Ari can get a proper ride home. They haven't talked since he found her in the forest knowing they'll probably fight again and not either one of them enjoyed fighting. "Ari, are you okay?" Jin asks as he sees Ari coming in carried in Hoseok's arms. "I'm fine," she says giving a weak smile. "Good." He takes a deep breath but then continues. "Ya, what were you thinking? A forest could be full of perverts, you're lucky he found you." "I'm sorry." She apologizes as Hosoek puts her down with two feet on the floor. "Just don't do it again, okay?" She nods feeling the regret already rise within her.
"Let's get you home." She nods, "wait I need to do one thing before we leave."
Ari walks over to hosoek who's currently talking with Felix. "Uhm, Guys?" "Hi, Ari." Felix greets back while hosoek stays silent. "Can I talk with you about before?" Ari asks feeling more uncomfortable than before but also feeling that she needs to get this out of the way. "I'll leave you alone with the whole war thing. You may do your thing." Hoseok says making Ari state in shock not believing her ears. "I'm sorry?" "I talked with Felix about it and as long as we keep the enemy away from the shooters I can keep a light heart." The words from Hoseok has Ari /shocked/. "Thank you, hoseok." Hé hugs her catching her off guard since she's the only one who has ever hugged him but he's never hugged her back. "Promise me you'll try your best to stay safe." Hosoek says getting warmer and warmer and Ari just nods her face still in his chest.

The Hope That Comes With The Loss |JHS| ✔️ [completed]Where stories live. Discover now