Part 14

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We followed Felix to his, house? I don't know what to call it a orphanage for demons? He doesn't let me close to Jungkook and doesn't want to tell me why. He also doesn't say anything when in the car. Now he's in a room where we also aren't allowed. We all just sit and wait, but it's hard to wait. I-I care for him, more than I probably should. My hand goes automatically to the door, but gets stopped by Namjoon. "Hyung I gotta know what's happening." "He said not to interfere. Calm down nothing is going to happen."

No One POV
While Tae is sitting on the floor frustrated with Namjoon next to him trying to keep him calm and Jimin is walking around exploring the place looking for a someone Hoseok goes to Ari who is also worried about Jungkook even though she doesn't know him for that long. "It's going to be alright." He says hoping it'll help her have some peace, but she just shakes her head continuering to walk back and forth deep in thought. Hoseok grabs her shoulders wanting her to stop walking since its getting on his nerves.

"Are you alright?" She nods getting a little irritated since its the 3rd time he asked. "I'm fine." She snaps, "Ari, I wanted to talk to you about what happened on school." "I don't," "I don't think you should go to school anymore." He blurts out." "Why?" "You should just stay close i don't want that to happen again." "It won't, listen I'm not going to let you stop me from going to school, because I want a future." She shouts making everyone stare at her.

"Hyung, what happened at school?" Tae butts in. "Someone tried to push me off a building." She says feeling irritated that he asked him instead of her. "Omg Ari are you okay?" "You see me right." She smiles feeling weird talking about it since it happened only three hours ago. "Well as much as I'm on your side Ari I'm also on hoseoks side. Maybe we could go with her to school I mean you are/were her guardian." Namjoon suggests making the others feel like they've missed something since he sounds so mature right now.

"I'm with him." Ari says cheering a little up. "Come on hoseok you don't want to take away my education, do you?" Hoseok freezes surprised that she's getting clingy to him while asking making him feel someplaces becoming sweating even though he doesn't know what it is sweat. "Okay, but don't go to the roof anymore either okay?" Ari nods and is weirdly excited that she can still go to school. She normally hates it but the feeling of having nothing to do makes her wanna go.


"How did it go? Is he fine? What did you even do?" Tae asks asks as Felix finally returns Taehyung feels a nasty feeling almost making it hard for him to breathe when he thinks of what Jungkook may have and Taehyung is willing to do all for him he knows that he's had enough time to think about how much Jungkook means to him and now he knows. "Calm down everything is alright all he needs is rest and no one can come in okay?" "Why what's with Jungkook?" "When young demons are too much around angels is eats their energy so to say." "What the hell does that mean?" Tae asks his voice a little cracked. "It means that because you've been around him too much his body is trying to save him strength he's probably been dizzy a few times and that's because his body needs time to save strength and rebuilt it but because you're always around him his body only keeps losing the energy." "But he's gonna be fine right?" Ari asks looking at tae his expression is one she's never seen on him before a mad one it almost makes her scared, but she knows it must be awful. "How long till I can see him?" "The minimum is a few days, but don't go in only when I say you can understood?" They all nod feeling sad that they can't see him, but Ari just feels quilt because she can see him.
Everyone's gaze turns to Taehyung who is having a melt down and doesn't know what to do next for the first time he can feel his insides screaming and it's driving him crazy. A tear falls down as he just noticed it's his fault Jungkook is in that position it's his fault Jungkook was collapsing all those times. He wants to move,desperately, but is unable to do so. "Tae, calm down it's not your fault. We especially you couldn't have known." Hoseok says trying to confront him while wondering where Namjoon was and for how long he was gone, since hoseok didn't even notice him walking away.

An hour ago

Namjoon POV
A hand grabs me as I watch Ari and hoseok starting to argue. "Wh-" another hand covers my mouth as I see Jin. "What are you guys doing here?" "Something happened to Jungkook." He nods and continues to lead me through a big hallway while holding my hand making me feel weird inside. "Where are we going?" "It's a surprise." He winks leaving me completely in the dark.


"Are we almost there?" Seokjin nods and then stops as we both hear fighting sounds.

A few minutes ago

Jimin POV
I walk down another hallway but this one finally doesn't continue endlessly, but instead ends in a big living room full of board game, table football, a big screen with a lot of games and 3 big couches with some chairs. "Wow," this looks awesome, but why is it so empty I though that many people lived here at least that is wha- "Jimin!" Yunki says as he grabs my hand and spins me around meeting his eyes that are only a few inches away from mine. "Why are you here? Didn't I tell you not to come here no matter what?" "Felix brought me and the others. Jungkook hasn't been feeling well and Felix noticed so he took him here." "Still this isn't a safe place for you." Yunki says as his grip tightens. "Why? I can take care of myself." "I know you can, but not with demons." He turns around as he hears footsteps coming from the hallway-maze I just came out off. "What do we have here? Has little meow meow made a friend?" A guy walks in with blonde hair and six others behind him. "Get lost Jaebum." Yunki hisses making me hold back a giggle. "Since when do you have angel on the menu?" "Stay back." He says as he goes standing in front of me. Then they fight, but Jin also comes out of nowhere and starts fighting with yunki. A person take my hand but I sigh in relieve when I see that's it's hyung. "Stay back." Hé says making me feel helpless and weak in this situation.
"Are you okay?" Yunki says his eyes softening but then his face goes back to the one I know. "Thank you for helping." "No problem," Jin says and I look at namjoon looking at Jin with eyes in awe, but when I look at yunki he doesn't look at me like that. "Jimin are you okay?" I nod wiping away a tear, stupid human body and sensations. "Jimin did Ari find out?" I nod knowing what yunki is getting at. "Do you want the five bucks?" I ask, "nah, you can keep it." That isn't like him. Does he like me or not he's so confusing. "Thanks yunki." "Whoa that's nothing to cry about." He says in shock. "Did you guys bet on Ari?!" Namjoon asks, and the nod as does Jin. "But I do want your 5 bucks hyung." "Ya, why me when he doesn't have to." Yunki shrugs and motions for hyung to give him his money as he does.

Okay I need a plan to keep an eye on him without coming too close. What if I just follow him yes that ought to work, right?


I walk into a party where Yunki got invited to it's like those big house party's in the movies. Am I in a movie? I go sit on the couch where another guy also sits with a drink in his hand and making out with a girl. I look at yunki and see him playing a sort of game. "Do you come here often?" A guy asks sitting next to me. "No," "maybe I could show you around." "That's the worst pick up line I've every heard." Yunki says as he grabs my hand and leads me out of the house. "Stop following me around." He says as he goes back inside leaving me speechless. Was I that obvious?

5 min later

"What are you still doing outside?" I don't know what to say, did I fail my mission? "It's raining shouldn't you go home?" Home, what would the they think when they find out I failed. A warm coat. "Come on lets get you home."
"I can't. I've failed." "You're an angel right? I can clearly see it, but somehow you can't see me." He says confusing me more than before. "I'm a demon." My eyes widen, a demon. "That isn't possible why would I be a gaurdian angel of a demon." "Cause I don't know who gives you orders but they clearly don't see the difference between a human and a demon pretending to be one." Why wouldn't they? "Listen what's your name?" Should I tell him? "It's not like I bite or something." He jokes, right.? "Jimin," "okay, Jimin ah don't worry about it. Go home and try again tomorrow." I look at him he's kind, but before he looked like he was stone cold. I nod in agreement happy that he lets me try again.

The Hope That Comes With The Loss |JHS| ✔️ [completed]Where stories live. Discover now