chapter 18

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"Tsk tsk tsk..Taehyung, it's this number which appears at the top of the screen not the one that's in the middle of screen. " namjoon sighed, he was trying to teach taehyung some coding and stuff.
He would need it if they were given to fight against each other and work in the intelligence department.

"Yah! Hyung, i don't want to do this! I did not skipped computer classes in school to end up being a hacker or whatever! " Taehyung whined. Namjoon chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Ayy boyfriend, go easy on him." Jasmine walked in the room.

"Noonaaaa save meeeee~" tae sang in a random tune and jasmine burst out laughing.

On the corner of room Tris and Celestine were sitting, looking at taehyung whining.

"Celestine, taehyung will have to leave right? Namjoon and jasmine were working in the intelligence department even before the apocalypse and they taught yoongi oppa these stuff too and tae, he is an amateur....what will i do without him?" Tris asked the girl sitting beside her without breaking her gaze that was on Taehyung.

Celestine hugged Tris, celestine knew how much Tris loved that goofy boy with brown hair sitting at a distance.

"Don't worry Tris , he won't be alone..Tae will have two more people with him and-"

"Easy for you to say..because you know jungkook is good at shooting. You know that out of everyone here jungkook is the best shooter! So you don't have to worry about him and you? You are better than me.." she snapped celestine's hand away.

"That's not what i meant Tris."

"You will be living happily.." Tris chuckled humourlessly. "You will have your boyfriend and yourself safe."

"SHUT UP TRIS AND STOP ACTING LIKE I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU , TAEHYUNG OR OTHERS!" Celestine was genuinely hurt but she lowered her voice as soon as taehyung and everyone else looked at them.

"I just wanted to say that if he goes out, two more people will go out with him and maybe they can help us escape this place by helping us from outside. "

Celestine stood up and shaked her head in a vain attempt to stop her tears from flowing down.

"I-i just didn't wanted you to have trust issues with me and yet you- fuck it. It was never about jungkook or taehyung. It was about all of us. I don't want any of us to rot and die like zombies. "

"Celestine..i-i am sorry. " Tris muttered realising that she accused her bestfriend and maybe she fucked up too.

"Nevermind. " and with celestine went out of the room and no one dared to follow her. She wandered aimlessly in the corridors, finally stopping in front of violet's room.

She thought for a minute before knocking . Soon there was a sound of pulling something . Celestine couldn't help but imagined violet hiding a dead body and chuckled to herself for her weird imaginations but she was caught off guard as a young girl opened the door.
She was standing on a chair and looked innocently at celestine.

"Umm..hey, is this violet's room?"

"Yes. Unnie has gone out. " The girl got down from the chair and signalled celestine to come inside.
"My name is Lily. I am violet unnie's sister. "

Celestine's eyes widened and soon a smile appeared on her face. She had not seen any children since the apocalypse and she was really happy to see Lily.

"I am celestine, violet's friend. "
They shaked hands and started talking, Lily was 10 and celestine was 20 yet they instantly caught up. Their interests were almost power rangers and other things and probably that's why none of them noticed when violet came .

"Hey celestine, you are here?"

"Oh hey! " celestine looked up at violet. "She's your sis?"

"Hmm" violet answered.

"She's sweettttt! I didn't knew that kids survived the apocalypse. " celestine chirped but was immediately cut off by Lily.

"I am not a kid! "

"Yeah,you are not. You are a superhero. " celestine laughed. "Let's meet others, okay?"



A/N- Hello! It's been awhile since i updated but a lot of things are going on rn and it's difficult but i will try to be more regular, also i love lily..i mean kids are cute if they are well behaved and i thought adding a kid won't harm so..hehe..

Do you like the story so far!?

Also i have another story called
"I am you"
It's a stray kids fanfiction and check it out maybe!

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