Yaz's flat

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"So where are we going?" Graham asked holding on due to the bumpy ride. Yaz seemed shocked at your reckless driving but you couldn't care less about anything right now.

"Well I don't know! Give me some ideas, Ryan- no, Graham? No nothing, Yaz come on give me something" you smiled looking at them all as they shrugged their shoulders.

"Have you tracked the doctor down yet" Yaz whispered delicately watching you look down in shame. Your actions of flying the tardis got slower as you stared down in thought, how the hell were you going to tell her?

"No" you whispered hardly Audible but she didn't miss it and frowned herself. You shot your head up "but I will I promise"

The tardis landed with a thud. "Are you sure about this?" Ryan asked watching you open the door with a small smile.

"Hey when Am I ever wrong?" You smirked stepping out into the warm atmosphere. "Oh it's earth that's a little boring" you exclaimed stepping out further with the gang trailing slowly behind, you don't notice the wide smile on yazs face.

"We're home" Yaz said looking towards a large set of flats. "Hey that's my house!"

Graham brings out incubus in his car seat before closing the tardis door. The tardis had seemed to turn into a phone box to blend in, there was even Graffitti on the side of it and it seemed to be transparent with the phone hanging loosely. "Well we could always stay for a bit right y/n!" Graham suggested patting your back and handing over incubus.

"Yeah- Eh maybe I should get going then leave you too it" you sighed softly.

"Don't be ridiculous I'm not having you running off not when the doctors still out their, stay for tea?" Yaz asked looking down at incubus before smiling brightly at you.

You let out a lose sigh. "1 hour" you groaned following after her, she waved for the others to follow too and you all found yourself heading into yazs flat.

"I'm home!" She yelled. There was rustling in another room before you were all surrounded by two people in face masks spraying you all.

"What the hell?" You coughed, holding your arm up to stop the spray from entering you eyes.

"Mum?- dad? What's happening?" Yaz sputters put wiping her face.

"Haven't you seen the news?" A woman asked through her mask holding out wipes which you took gratefully a wiped your face before checking on incubus who had lucky slept through it all. "There's a outbreak, darling. No ones allow to leave so you better all get comfortable" you all looked at one another in disbelief. Your eyes settling on the door which was locked by the man, you sighed.

This was going to be a long day. You thought.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now