Worse than a dalek

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You heard the doctor shuffling above you with the gang as she flew the tardis wrong. You could notice that river was correcting her as there was a consent grumble from the doctor.

"Bio-profiling nearly complete. River are you touching MY tardis." You giggled hearing the doctor groan. You sighed getting up to join them.

"Yes. A match. Let's see what we've got. No. It can't be." You noticed the doctors face fall and river and Yaz rushing to her side.

"Doctor? I don't like it when you go quiet."
"Sweetie, what is it?"

She shook her head looking at you all "This is the DNA of the most dangerous creature in the universe."

"Well Does it have a name?" You asked hating the tension.

"A Dalek." You face matches hers as you hear her speak. River leans against the console with a heavy sigh. Graham and Yaz just wait for the doctor to explain herself.

"Sorry doc but we're both lost here?" Graham sighed.

"A Dalek is the mutated remnants of a warring race, genetically created and housed within a metal case, designed to be a relentless killing machine." She started.

"And we don't stand a chance" you mumbled.

"Lin said she saw a creature that looked more like a squid." Graham carried on.

"It sounds as if the internal creature has become separated from its casing."

"Well, then it's vulnerable. Oh, come on, Doc, one squid versus seven billion humans and you. Odds have got to be in our favour, surely?" Graham sighs.

"And 4 time lords!" You exclaimed causing you to instantly remind yourself of missy.

"I always think I'm rid of them. Never am. Trust me, Graham, even if it's just one, it's enough. It's going to kill anyone that gets in its path and it's not going to stop until it's taken control of this planet." She sat down at this point her head in her hand.

"There's an alien on the loose in an archaeological dig. Is that where it started?" Yaz asks as she Makes a phone call.

"I don't know. River any ideas?"

"Don't ask me!" River surrenders.

"Voicemail. Lin, hi, it's Yasmin Khan. We met in the sewers earlier. Can you give me a call?"

"Well great coolio so It's Out of its shell. So it can't have got far. But how is it getting about?" You ask which causes the doctor to shoot up her head.

"I don't know how but we're going to need some help. Yaz get Mitch on the phone!" She exclaimed clapping her hands together.

"Welcome to the Tardis." The Tardis dematerialises with a jolt after Yaz drags in a flabbergasted Mitch.

"Now we've got the DNA, maybe I can rig up the Tardis to scan for any other traces in this tiny corner of Space and Time." The doctor explains giving you a wide smile.

"No way." Mitch said.

"Y/n?" The doctor smiles rushing around the tardis console.

"Got it!" You walked over to Mitch. "The internal dimensions are bigger than the box's external dimensions. No biggie but the man who made it definitely was" you smirked which went unnoticed by the doctor.

"No, that is quite a biggie. He must be a genius"

"Well thank you" you whispered.

"Gawp time over. Was there anything alien-looking that you uncovered?" The doctor butt in.

"What? No. They're historical artefacts. They've been there for centuries. Wait. You're not from the Order of the Custodians?" Mitch asks causing your eyebrows to stitch together.

"What's the Order of the Custodians?" You asked first causing the doctor to close her mouth in defeat.

"Going to need a table" Mitch looks around curiously.

Graham sighs. "Back to mine then doc"

The tardis stops once more and you can't feel but a great urge to say back so you let them all rush out to figure it all out. It's not like they needed you anyway. You sighed taking off into the familiar corridor that hums gently at your pace.

You didn't know where you were going but you arrived because their was only one door untouched. Missy's room. You turned away only for the door to turn with you.

"No fair" you muttered in annoyance.

The tardis hummed unimpressed forcing the door closer to you.

"Fine" you knocked gently on the door.

"Come in"

You weren't sure what you were going to walk in on but she sat with her back towards you as she played soft notes on the black piano crushed in the corner of the room.

"Missy?" She hit a wrong note as her body tensed at your quiet voice.

"Y/n you shouldn't be here. You need to leave" she warned her voice not at all threatening but vulnerable. "I did this" she repeated the words that you spat at her in the hospital room.

"No" you managed to spit out causing her to turn around. Her eyes were stained red like she had been crying. Her hands had a soft shake and her smile hadn't made it to her face.

"I need to get it out. Yeah you hurt me but it's not the first time that I did, so what- why are we doing this. What I mean is We're f- friends so can't we be civil? I'm not saying I forgive you but I just don't want it to be weird." You asked which shocked you. Why the hell would you let this go? Was it because you were just too tired to fight anymore or maybe because you would always forgive her. You sighed before continuing "I want to know why?"

"I would take it back I-"

"No why, if you had known what was going to happen why would you get close enough to me that you hurt both of us!" You started to raise your voice a bit causing her to tense up.

"Because I couldn't stop myself from falling in love with you" she whispered softly bowing her head.

"Right, cool- I mean not cool but yeah great. We're cool just cool" you stuttered. "But I can't do this missy so friends?" You pointed dramatically between you both.

"W-hat? Yeah. Sure" she smiled sweetly although there seemed to be a bit of defeat in her eyes as she looked you up and down in admiration. "I'm sorry, dear"

"I know" you stated taking the door handle in your hands and leaving in a rush.

Male reader x missy (editing cos I'm dumb:))Where stories live. Discover now