Dear Journal #1

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Excerpts from Adrian's Journal

15th may 2022

Today was fucking exhausting. We went on this trip to a boring ass museum and I swear the only reason I'm still alive is because of Tristan's lame jokes. At least I was wearing my lucky jeans today. But Mrs. Bosley really did it today. Ughhh!!! I feel like an idiot. I couldn't stop staring at Tristan today, do you think he noticed? I'm hoping he didn't otherwise I'm in dipshit. I just really want to kiss him, like a fucking lot. He looks like a Greek God, don't blame me. I just can't ruin our friendship, it means too fucking much. Life is so cruel for no fucking reason. Well I guess I'll see ya later then.

17th may 2022

Holy fucking shit holy shit holy shitake mushrooms, no mushrooms are disgusting. But holy shiiiiit. What the fuck. WE ALMOST FUCKING KISSED. WHAAAAAAAAT THE FUCK? What the actual duck? What the hell? What even? The fuck! The world is rotating. I can feel it. what am I saying I need to breathe am I breathing yes I'm alive so I'm breathing. Wait does this mean he likes me? I hope he likes me. Why did he move away? Wait, why am I even writing? What am I even writing? I think I need a donut, maybe 8 donuts. Ok imma go up i think but I'll l see you or write you wait write in you? I dont fucking know. byee

18th may 2022

That fucking bitch won't talk to me. I'm gonna castrate him. what the fuck? Did i do something wrong or some shit? Ughhhh!!! What the fuck?? He literally fucking ignored my ass like I had corona or some shit! I'm so pissed right now that i might even piss my pants... wait thats kinda weird, I won't do that but he's the one who almost kissed me, like i just wanted to talk is that so hard? He fucking hopped from one class to another like a fucking chimpanzee who has lice in it's asshole. I swear to Satan, if that piece of shit doesn't talk to me,  i'm gonna drag his ass from class if i have to. We're gonna talk about this. This is why I didn't kiss him in the first pIace. Do you understand how fucking hard that was?? I didn't want our friendship to be ruined. I've had enough, This shit ends tomorrow. Bye

19th may 2022

So...I'm home early. Today was total shit and I'm not even angry...I just feel betrayed. I mean I should be happy for him and his perfect little shortass girlfriend with her perfect little crop top and her perfect little uggs that fit her perfect little feet, what bugs me are THOSE DAMN SKINNY JEANS. LIKE WHY THE FUCK DID SHE HAVE TO HAVE THOSE SAME JEANS THAT I HAVE. I'm just done how could he even do this, did he not mean to initiate the kiss that day!!!!! UGHH!!!!! WHY AM I IN FUCKING HIGHSCHOOL ANYWAY?? I HATE THIS FUKCING WORLD!!!!! I swear to God this is worse than a fucking ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE. I'm just fucking done, I should be happy. I'm not but I should be but fuck that. I mean as the quote says you know 'life is fuck and fuck is like so fuck off and eat watermelons' thats what I should do!! Just fuck off and eat watermelons... Wait I think I'll get donuts instead. This is it, I don't even know what to say anymore, I fucking hate life. Fuck this shit. Tristan is evil and he can go live a straight boring ass life with his petite and beautiful girlfriend and his little, tiny dick. Fuck this world. bye .

                     - Your caramel chaos

Fragments of a Dream Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora