The Unreality of Dreams

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Welcome, welcome, come in.

You have stepped into something outside the realm of reality, so take your time. Acquaint yourself with your new surroundings. Relax and breathe.

This is but a dream after all.

Here you will find, words weaving stories and poetry and present and past. From enchanting spells to wicked girls that break hearts. Here you will see imagination give life to letters arranged in a pre-determined order, set by generations long past. Here you will experience the magic that can only be performed between a writer and a reader, a Dream and a dreamer.

This is but a dream after all.

So settle in. Let the words take you bit by bit. Let the new smell wafting through the air become a beloved scent. Let us alter your logistics to fit this new destination. Let your imagination transport you into a reality of our creation.

Mocha and Caramel bring you the fragments of their dreams

Fragments of a Dream Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant