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Tine's POV

I was walking my way to the university. Today's the first day of school and I can't be more excited. Haha.

As I walk to the main entrance, I looked around my surroundings since I'm new here. Well, I'm not the only one new here. My brother also study here.

I took a deep breath before finally entering the university grounds. This feels weird cause me and my brother studied overseas for the past three years.

I went inside the registrar to get my schedule. Oh, by the way, My name's Tine.

Walking down the hallway full of girls and boys, I feel very shy. As I search for my locker, I felt like someone's coming towards my direction, but I just shrugged it off.

I opened my locker and put my stuff inside it, before someone tapped my back. I turned around and saw a boy, smiling at me.

I looked from left to right before giving him an awakward smile.


"Hi! I'm Green! Are you new here? You look fresh." He said before clinging to my arm. I tried to remove his grip but it just gets tighter.

"I-I need to go to my class--"

"I'll walk you to your classroom!" He said while lovingly hugging my arm. I looks at everyone who is looking at us before scratching the back of my neck.

"N-No, I can walk myself there." I keep on removing his arm, but it's no use.

I sighed deeply, almost giving up, when someone walked by.

"Ey, Green. Let him go to his class." The tall guy said while looking at the guy named Green.

Green just glared at him while pouting. He finally let me go before standing one meter away from me, looking at the guy.

"You're so annoying!" He said while stomping his feet.

The guy just gave him a cold look before walking away. I never even got the chance to thank him.

I closed my locker and proceeded to my first class.

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