There comes you, to keep me safe from harm

Start from the beginning


I want you guys to draw me as a crystal gem from Steven Universe

So here's kinda what I want :
Gem type - black phantom quartz
Gem location - upper middle chest
Looks - black hair, grey eyes, grey/silver-ish skin
Clothes - idk surprise me, preferably some type of dress and maybe some makeup idk, preferably pearl like outfit
You guys can choose my weapon but a bow or scythe would be cool

please and thank you

TRIGGER WARNINGS : hospital setting, talks about what happened

Logan POV
"What do you mean something happened to Patton?" I asked lowly. A cold fear gripped my chest.

"He got shot Logan," Roman chocked our. "Jackson shot him. He attacked him, Emile and Evan."

Patton was shot.


My hand dropped and I dropped my phone. It banged against the floor but I barely heard it. Suddenly, I didn't feel like I was in control of my body.

I turned and started walking to the front door. I grabbed my keys off the table and walked outside. I got into my car and started it, doing all of this without really having to think about it.

But then adrenaline and panic kicked in and I quickly drove to the hospital. Tears started falling from my eyes and I had no clue over it.

Patton was shot. By Jackson.

There was a horrible painful feeling in my chest, mostly located around my heart.  There was so much emotional pain.  I was so scared.  I need to know that Patton is okay.

I ending up speeding half the way to the hospital, just desperate to get to Patton.  I pulled into the hospital parking lot. 

Practically throwing myself out of the car, I ran inside the hospital and to the front desk.  The nurse sitting there looked up.  She barely reacted, probably used to crying people rushing in here.

"Can I help you sir?"  She asked me.

"I'm here for Patton Emerson," I told her. More tears filled my eyes just by saying his name.

The nurse types away at the computer for a few seconds, her eyes quickly scanning the screen. She then turned to me with a sympathetic face.

"Mr. Emerson is in surgery right now in the emergency ward," The nurse told me. "Along with an Evan Lakewood, Emery Lambe and Emile Picani. It's my understanding that you know why these four are here."

"Yes, I am," I chocked out. Who is Emery Lambe? Why was he with Patton, Emile and Evan? 

"All family and friends of those four are in the second floor emergency lobby,"  She told me.  "I'll have someone take you there."

"Thank you very much,"  I thanked her, wiping a few of my tears away before seeing all my friends.  The nurse waved over another nurse and the two conversed for a few seconds. 

The new nurse than started walking away and waved for me to follow her.  I followed her into an empty elevator. 

"How do you know these four?"  She asked me, trying to break the awkward silence but only succeeding in making it more awkward.  "Police and news reporters are swarming all over this."

"Patton Emerson is my boyfriend,"  I told her.  "Evan Lakewood and Emile Picani are my friends.  I do not know who Emery Lambe nor why he was with them at the time of this."

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