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Taehyung's phone turned off due to the low battery at that very moment, making him curse and kneel down with that unchanging pain in his chest. He was already panicked, though he tried to distract himself, to act all alright or maybe even hopeful in front of his friends in the groupchat.

But now the groupchat was calm, no one sent a message in the whole hour, it was a silence of death that Taehyung feared strongly. Tears formed in his eyes just by imagining how his dearest friends are feeling right now, the same as him, something they never experienced before. He regretted all his life choices.

Why the fuck did Jungkook even being that ouija board? Why did he think of getting the seven of them separated in different rooms? He was now locked in the dark toilet cubicle, and he could almost hear the water faintly running from somewhere. There was no flash he could use, yet the moonlight found its way from the creaks of the closed window to shine upon him, and instead of calming him down it only showed his how the bathtub was cracking little by little and how the mirror showed a reflection other than him-


He was there, the glass backscattering his usual face, but there was something behind him. Someone, to be more exact. A fluffy blond hair, just like Jimin's dyed one, and little by little long nails appeared from there to scratch his cheek, their coldness and the pain they caused making him flinch and touch the bleeding scratch.

He turned back, slowly, steadily. Yet there was nothing. At this moment, he was really wishing he's hallucinating. However, the nails were sprouted from extremely long fingers that gripped on the back of head so strongly.

He screamed, trying to run away, but the grip was so strong, and his voice was muffled between the cold walls.

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