First date

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Idea from _no_time_to_die_ check them out if you have the time.

Izuku Midoriya🍀
After all night's retirement, there was made a lot of taking in memory of him. One of the things that caught Izuku eyes, was an all might themed amusement park. He thought it was the perfect place, to hold a first date with you. He had bought tickets for the two of you.

The night was perfect, since it was late the light sent around the park lightened the whole place up so it looked like a movie. You were standing in line at the ferries wheels, you were really excited you loved the ferries wheels, and were also excited to see the park from a high view. You got up and it was a beautiful and perfect as you had expected. You looked out over city, when you felt Izuku grab cheek turning your face, to his giving a loving kiss on the lips while the fire works could been seen in the distance.

Bakugou Katsuki💥
He had overheard, you talking to Mina about a new movie that came out that were excited to see. He heard this and were quick to buy tickets. He drove you to the movies.

You were at the movie theater. You felt like you could explode of excitement, you were so excited for this movie, you had thanked Katsuki over and over for buying tickets for you both, explaining that you would buy for everything else but he declined. After the movie the movie was great no it was pure perfection. "So Suki what did you think about the movie?" You asked your eyes glistening, making Katsuki blush turning his head away he said "It was great I guess" he said but in reality he loved the movie.

Todoroki Shouto☁️🌹
There were opening, a new expensive restaurant. That Todoroki had he's eyes on, and wanted to bring you too. Even though you protested, cause as you said you were not worth spending so many money on. He at looked at you and took you to the restaurant anyways.

You were standing, in line wit Todoroki in your best dress. You were nervous, but Todoroki reassured you that you were looking beautiful, and that everything was going to be okay. When you entered the restaurant, everything looked expensive, you sat down at some seats had some small talk while, you waited for the food. When the food came you had never tasted anything better. Todoroki just looked at you in awe, for most of of the night, not understanding what he did to deserve such a beautiful person like you. Least to say this was the best date your had ever been on

Denki Kaminari⚡️
He knew how much you loved the arcade. So he decided, to hold your fast date there. He was really nervous as you walked your way over their

Everything went great, you played games, lugged most of the night away when you were about to leave. He noticed that you were looking, the the prize machine. "What do you want I will win I for you" he said "what really? Well in that case the pikachu plush it remind me of you" you said and as promised she got the plush for you.

Kirishima Eijiro🏔
Then town held a festival, and he wanted to invite you as his date. And of course you said yes, cause who can say no to kiri?

You had put on a kimono it was in your favorite color. I was super comfy. You got to the festival with kiri, you felt nervous that you were going to ruin it somehow. You bough some food and walked off to a place far away from
Everybody else. You cuddled up to him watching the fireworks it was beautiful. You had never felt more safe.

Sero hanta🖤
It was a warm summer day, you felt like you could just melt. So Sero had the idea, of going to the ice cream truck getting ice cream (naturally) and making it a date. And you had of course agreed.

"I'll pay for mine" you said "what? no way I'm paying for yours too" he said. you got handed your ice cream. And made the first tasted, it tasted wonderful it was both sweet and cold at the same time. The rest of the date you went for a walk, in the park holding hands I was a truly wonder day.

Tamaki Amajiki🐙
He was super nervous, but still got the courage to ask you on a date. To the ice skatepark, you said you couldn't ice skate but he promised that he would do his best to learn you.

You had gotten there, feeling extra nervous. But he was surprisingly good training. He told how how to do it but weren't too strict. When you got the hang of it. You guys just skated around laughing and blushing.

Shinsou Hitoshi💜
He had talked, about a new cat cafe. Not too far away that just had opened. And asked if you wanted too see it with him as a date.

You had gotten there, in the cutest clothes you could find. You felt like you needed to dress cute for such a cute date. Everything was perfect about the date.

Ojiro Mashirao🌟
I have no jendndnsorry :(

Tsuyu Asui🐸
She really wanted to go, to the pool but also don't wanted to leave you. So she kidnapped you to the pool with your swimsuit.

You jumped into the cold water. Your girlfriend already swimming around enjoying the water. While you hugged yourself trying to get some warmth. When you got the warmth back. You gladly swam with her.

Uraraka Ochako💞
She were super excited, for the zoo but nobody wanted to go her. So she asked you if you wanted to go and make it a date.

She date was super cute, you got to talk and pet the animals that were there. Compared some of t he animals to your class mates and each other. You toke a lot of pictures, of this to temper it.

Mina Ashido💞
You had the same taste in music, so when you heard your favorite bands were in town. You quickly planned a date to go to the concert.

You were dancing and singing along to every song. With your girlfriend, the song you discovered together and learned every word of together. You couldn't explain how happy this moment made you.

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