Kirishima x traitor reader || goodbye

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Your quirk: Light manipulation
You can create light into things like weapons, wings (ect.) You control the size and shape of the things you create. You can sent laser beams of light to attack your enemies or release blast of lights from your hands.

It was lunch you sat with the bakusquad, you were busy eating your (F/F), when mina said something
"Have you guys heard there's a U.A traitor?"
"yeah its kinda scary that anyone would do that to us."
You remained silent, looking down on the ground, beginning to feel sick. "Hey (Y/N) you okay?" said you're perfect red haired boyfriend of seven amazing months, "yeah i guess i'm just shocked that anybody would that"
"Hey baby don't be sad i'll protect you at any cost remember that" he said. Gosh how you felt bad. The others countied to talk about the traitor, while you looked down at your feet It felt like i could throw up at any minute, Kiri seemed to notice he just looked at you for a minute "(Y/N) do you need me to take you to recovery girl?" you shook your head looking up from the ground facing him "no but thanks for asking" you said giving him the most believable smile you could manage.

-time skip to after class-

You stood in your dorm, a bag filled with your most valuable things over your Shoulder. From what you knew everybody else, in the dormity were asleep, Before you completely left you walked into Kirishima Eijirou dorm, you looked at his sleeping form he looked so peaceful, you wanted to cry as you gave him one last kiss. You walked back to your dorm and headed over to the balcony you gave the half empty dorm room a sorrow look before you created yourself some wings made out of light and flew away.
As you flew over the sky you could only, think about everything you were leaving behind. Your tears made your cheeks cold from the cold night sky. You looked down on the ground as you flew over the light, you could only feel regret at that moment but you couldn't go back to U.A no not after what you were about to do..
You landed in the villain hideout, "ah finally (Y/N) is here" Toga said running over to you, she walked you down some hallways into a room "Here's your room" she said giving you a bright smile. You walked into the room you open the back, and took everything out, as you were decorating your room you found a old photo of you and kiri, It were on your first date you both looked so happy, you were both seen at the most cute couple at school, and were planned to be the cutest pro-hero couple. Of course back then you didn't know what path you were going down, you wouldn't had known that you would had now sat at the L.O.V's hideout now having to call this your home for the rest of your life. You like the worst person in the world.

You woke up in a cold bed, alone you looked around the room wishing it were a dream but no you were met with the cold air of the villain hideout, you knew today you were going to attack U.A you had told them every little detail about the school. You took on your hero uniform it felt so wrong that it now had to been used for villains. You finally walked through the wrap, walking into the U.A training grounds you looked down a the ground in shame. The villains began attacking as soon as they could You ran with them, your first pick where Hagakure. You ran over to the poor girl she looked up at you in pure disbelief before you took a light beam to what seemed to be her face making her scream in pain drawing the attention of everybody as the looked at their old classmate, you watched as Hagakure hit the ground with a pained cried. You looked away you felt horrible, she finally stopped moving. Ojirou, her Boyfriend made a dash over to you, nothing but pain in his eyes as tears fell down on the ground as he took her body and shook it checking for pulse, he gave you a grim look before jumping at you, you were quick to make a pole hitting him in the head making him bleed out. You looked down at the two bodys in shame. But you couldn't stop now you ran over to the rest of the class, and you were met with kirishima he looked at you his eyes filled with tears, you felt your heart break at the sight. "please tell me you aren't who i think you are" he said his voice cracking, "kiri....." you said giving him a pathetic look. You took the weapon towards him only to see that he didn't turn on his quirk "i love you" were the last words that left his mouth, before you slaughtered him, The weapon entered his chest making him cough up blood as he fell down on the ground. You stood over his dead body, his blood splattered all over you, it took you moments to realize what had happened, you began to shake violently. You looked up from his dead body, looking at your classmates begin massacred, the sound of screams and cries made it impossible to think straight as you fell on your knees as you hugged your boyfriends dead body, you cried into his neck wishing this was all a nightmare. You regret everything you screamed as tears fell down your cheeks as you fully realized what you just done, you couldn't go back in time you just just hold memories of a better time.

𝒃𝒏𝒉𝒂 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora