Why are you so annoying?

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"God, why are you so annoying?" Harry yelled at Niall.

"Annoying? Me? Have you had a conversation with yourself? Than you would know what annoying sounds like!" Niall screamed back at him.

Both of the boys were in Harry's hotel room having just another row. Altho they have been in one band for 4 years, they still hated each other. The fans didn't know that, because they are Oscar worthy actors when out and about, but in private they loath each other.

"Just... why the hell did you come and wake me up you pissy asshole?" Harry said and rolled out of his bed just in his way to tight boxer shorts.

"I already told youuuu, you deaf goose! Simon is calling us for an emergency meeting!" Niall rolled his eyes so far, that they did a 360 turn.

"And why couldn't Lou call me? Then at least I wouldn't have to start my day by hearing your annoying voice." Harry continued to diss Niall while quickly dressing.

"Ya' know what? I don't have to be here any longer. I see that princes has woken up and I am not needed here anymore. Bye your royal dickness!" Niall stormed out of Harry's room and went to the lobby , where Liam and Louis were already waiting for him.

"Where is Harry? Niall, we asked you one thing." Liam scolded Niall for not bringing Harry with him.

"And you will never ask me to do it again. I am never again waking that dick up!" Niall presses his pointer finger into Liam's chest. He loves Liam and Louis, but sometimes they annoy him.

"Ni, buddy! It's really hard on both of us, when you fight so much! Yes, you never liked each other, but it never was so bad." Louis said while hugging Niall from behind and putting his chin on his shoulder, in the nape of his neck.

"Sorry, guys. I could try for your sake and I have tried, but he is impossible."

"Ah, talking about me, Neil? I already felt my ears burning. Annoying me even when you are not present. Nice one!" Harry said while passing the three boys and stepping outside of the hotel.

There were quite many paparazzi trying to take the best pictures they could. Security guarded Harry and other three boys form them as good as they could. Until they got till the car and could get in.

"I am driving! And Liam is shotgun!" Louis screamed and got in the drivers seat, Liam following his lead and sitting in the passenger seat next to him.

"Sorry, Ni! It's just a 30 minute ride. Can you make it?" Liam patted Niall on his shoulder and closed the door.

"Don't look at me. Don't touch me and don't speak with me!" Harry said while trying to not look directly at Niall.

Niall sighed, because he would gladly listen to Harry this time. So he didn't answer Harry and turned to look out of the window.

"Are you deaf or something? Did you get what I said to you?" Harry got agitated when he didn't receive an answer form Niall.

"Mate! I think he is just doing what you asked from him. Just chill and enjoy this awkward ride." Louis chuckled and looked at Liam with a smirk on his face.


"No, no, no and again no! I am not sharing a buss with that idiot! Liam stay with me!" Harry pleades to the nearest person he could find.

"You know what, sure. We don't want both of you killing each other. Then this surprise tour will be a surprise for sure!" Liam glanced at Louis with a 'sorry' expression on his face.

"Ok, then that makes me and you Nialler! Let's have amazing 8 weeks together!" With a quick movement Louis arm was flunked over Niall's shoulder and a kiss was planted on his cheek.

"That makes me so happy Boo bear!" Niall kisses Louis cheek again and again, while they were still embraced and awkwardly going to the car.

Liam quickly joined them and pressed his body closer to Louis, trying to touch as much of him as he could, feeling a tad jealous of Niall practically eating Louis cheek off.

As they came closer and closer to the car, they even forgot about the fact that Harry was somewhere behind them. Looking at them and feeling a foreign feeling in the pit of his stomach. Looking at Louis arm around Niall's delicate shoulders and Niall's lips never leaving Louis cheek.

If Harry knew any better he would say that it was jealousy, but he couldn't be jealousy of Niall. He just doesn't like that that idiot is hogging his best friend. Yeh, that's it. He shouldn't be touching Louis like that. Louis is straight and so is Niall, so why are they so close all of a sudden?

Doesn't bother me. Repeat: doesn't bother me. Not one bit. Not even a tiny wee concern about them probably fucking for 8 straight weeks in that tour buss.


Hello lovely people!

It's me again! With a new story, because why should you finish the ones you already have, if you can start a new one?

I just read this nice unfinished story and it inspired me for some NARRY angst and I just had to start this book!

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Lots of Love - M🥀

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