Chapter 35

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Hi kitties


"So you are saying that those two are my kids?" Mike asked and I nodded.  We were in my room. I had told Mike about the kids and he still isn't believing that they are his kids. 

"Of course they are yours." I said and he nodded.

"But I don't remember anything." He said and I sighed. 

"I know because you had forgotten everything relates to twins." I said.

"I don't know what to say." He said.

"You don't have to say anything. You just have to be their dad. You have to spent the times with them for which they are craving. Even though you had forgotten everything I don't think you had forgotten how to take care of a child." I said and all he did was nodded.

"You surely know how to cheer me up." He said and I smiled.

"I still can't believe that you had forgotten everything." I mumbled.

"Have you said anything?" He asked.

"No." I said.

"By the way Athena, I love you a lot and not trusting you was my mistake." He said.

"I love you too. And the same thing goes with me. I should also trust you more than those stupid photographs." I said and he hugged me at once and I felt heat running down my spine. I can feel that I am secure under his hand. He will protect me and will take care of me till eternity. I am feeling that is what my mother was feeling when she was with us. Why she never got bored of dad ever? Why she always loved those simple things which he gave to her? Because for her those were things which cannot be compared to the jewels. She loved those simple things because she was given those things from the most precious thing in the world and that is my dad.

I love my dad more than anyone else even from my kids and dear husband. But I know that at the end only my dear husband will be with me.

"I don't know how and when I fall for you. But I am lucky that I fall for you. I am very very lucky that I got you as my life partner. I can't thank God more because for me they are small words. I promise with all my life that never in my life I am gonna leave you and not trust you. I am giving my heart to you so that you protect it." I said and I could feel that he was happy with my words.

"I promise to protect it for forever." He said and a wide smile spreaded over my face. He kissed my forehead.

"So Athena how was my acting?" He asked and I was confused and sat up.

"What do you mean by acting?" I asked him.

"Of forgetting memories." He said and smirked.

"You lied to me." I said to him and started to hit him with a pillow and he started to laugh.

"I was not kidding. But for the short time I had forgotten everything. But Ember told me that my brain wasn't damage much to forgot the memories. How can I forget you and my two boys?" He said but I didn't stopped from hitting him.

"Do you even know your acting had taken soul from my body and it had broken the kids heart." I said and tear were on the edge to come out from my eyes. He embraced me in the hug but I was struggling to get out of this. But he wasn't letting me.

"Leave me you liar." I said and struggled but he laughed and didn't let me go

"Never." He said and I accept my defeat.

"Mamma." I heard twins and I got panic. They opened the door and come inside and I was still his arms. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Mommy daddy." They said and ran towards us and jumped over the bed and embraced us in their little arms.

"You are fine daddy?" Josh asked.

"He is totally fine. He just got a chance to saw his acting skills by making us freak out." I said annoyingly and Mike chuckled.  Josh looked at us confused. I didn't even dare to clear his doubt. I was still angry with Mike for doing that with me.

"Kids close you eyes." Mike said.

"Why they will close their eyes?" I asked him.

"Because they won't like it see it." Mike said and they quickly closed their eyes tightly.

"So babe you are still angry with me?" He asked.

"Of course I am. Don't talk to me." I said and he chuckled before he made me look at him and crashed his lips on mine.  I have been craving for him from last one year and I can't also resist from him. We both had put our emotion in that kiss.

"Never leave me again." I said.

"I promise I would never leave you." He said.

"Now can we open our eyes?"Joel asked and we laughed.

"Yes you can." I said and they opened and attacked us with hugs. I loved my three boys who had made my world so much colourful and always cheered me up.

I know I had made the mistake by not trusting Mike at the first place. But it had given me the lesson to trust my husband more than anyone else , outsider, in the world. I can't even think about how will I carry on my life without him. My life revolves around him and not to forget my two little troublemaker who love trouble very much but are good also and I do love them the most. They are my life and living with them is in my dictionary.

"I love you Mike Watson ." I said and he smiled.

"I love you too Athena Watson." He said.

"We love you too." Twins said and we continue with our family time

The end


o guys do tell me of you like to have the epilogue of this story.

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