Chapter 6

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Hello guys. This story is liked by few people but for me it is sufficient as long you guys love it. 


I don't  know what is happening to me from morning. When Mike go to the office. i started to feel lonely and every time I close my eyes only one face come up in  my mind Mike. I was feeling Boring so I call my best friend Ember.after 5 rings she pick up the phone.

"Girl don't you want to talk to me that you had pick up my call that late?" i said in overreacting tone.

"Don't overreact I left my phone in kitchen only that's it and why you had call me?"

"Can't a friend call her friend?" i said

"Yes you can whenever you feel to call me but today I am busy with something." she said

"tell me with which work you are busy cause I am sitting free." I said

"So you are free drive to my home. And i will tell you." i agree to that and hung up. it was 11 in  the morning. i take my car which Mike gave me on the wedding day. i smile at that thought. i drive the car in full speed not that full speed that someone broke parts of body. in no time i reached Ember house. i press the bell and she open the door with a smile. I gave her a soft hug and she returned that.When i entered in her house she was painting her rooms.

"So this work making you  busy? huh?" i said with a tease.

"yeah" she blushed

"for whom?" i asked her

"i am just changing the colour of my house." she said and i nodded. we drink the coffee and she asked me to help her and i agree. being sitting and bore it is fun to do anything new. i helped her in painting her house. and her apartment contains only two room and one living room and one medium size kitchen and one bathroom. 

"you live alone in this big house?" i asked her

"No actually my brother is coming over here to live here with me and he had to find a job." she said and i nodded in agreement. i see the time and it was 3.

"okay Ember now it is very much i have to go home." i said

"okay bye." she said and we hug and i leave. i drive to my home and i started to cook cause i don't eat my lunch and i cook extra. don't know why. i had just sit to eat my food when the door bell ring. i open the door and found Mike with a grin.

" are you for real or I am dreaming" i said and he chuckle. 

"i am for real" he said and enter in the house then i thought that i had made extra food and praying that he didn't eat the lunch.

"Have you taken your lunch?" i said

"no" he said and I relieved

"what happened?" he asked me.

"Nothing i just had cooked extra food and i don't know what to do with that." i said with a smile and he chuckle. we sit on the table and i served him his food and i sit on my chair and we started to eat the food.

"It is delicious." He said

"What is Delicious?" i asked

"Your food is delicious. i can leave my lunch outside and can come every time to eat you food." he said and I giggle.

"Why not you can come any time." he smiled after few minutes our food finished and i take the dished to sink and started to wash them. then i feel arms around me waist.

"what are you doing here?" i asked him

"Seeing my wife working." he said 

"are you ever gonna stop give me to compliments indirectly" i asked him once again

"never and also I am never gonna bore of you." he said and kiss my hair.

i finished my work and go to the living room and see Mike sitting over there i towards him and hug him and he returned that 

"how you come soon from the office?" i asked him

"actually..." he paused and then tell me what had happened with him in the office and i laugh on that.

"I think I am love sick and you give me this sickness." he said

"I think I am also love sick." i said by controlling my laughing

"What do you  mean?" he asked

"after you left for the office whenever i close my eyes you only popped out." i said and he had a grin on his face

"Hey you had come early so we should go outside and have some fun." i suggested and he nodded

"but where?" i added

"we can go to the fair which newly had open near that coffee cafe." he said and i nodded

"let me get change" i said and he nodded.

i go to my room and choose a dress and it was perfect. i put on some make up and go downstairs. the dress which i was which was i wearing was not too fancy and i happily landed on the floor. i saw Mike was staring at me and i go towards him and shake my hand in front of him.

"Come to the earth babe." he then see me

"OH you are ll and looking beautiful and i can't take off my eyes from you." he said and i blushed and before i could face him he claimed my lips and after few minutes we separate 

"Shall we.?" he asked and i nodded and we go towards his car and when we settle down he drive away and after about 14 minutes we reached to the fair and i was happy. we had enjoy every bit of fair and play so many games. when he don't see anything he kisses my cheek and make me blush. it was the best day.

i hope you guys like the chapter. now the time is gonna jump and please vote and comments

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