Chapter 32

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Hi kitties
1 year later

I am messed without him. This is not what I had thought about my further life. I am totally messed with my life. How could he leave me when I am needing him the most. A tear slipped from my eyes. But when I heard the door opening I quickly wipe the tear.

"Mamma." I heard Josh voice. I could tell it because I now differentiate between. Though they are identical but are different in many things.

"Yeah Josh." I said.

"Where is daddy?" He asked and I closed my eyes before I could answer him. How long I will hide from him. How long. No doubt that telling him right now is not good but I can't hide it more.

"Josh, your father..." I was cut off by someone.

"He is still on the tour. He had called me telling you that he will be here soon." I heard my father. I sighed though I know it is still a lie.

"But Grandpa it is already 1 year since he had gone for tour. Has he forget us?" He asked. His voice was breaking. No doubt he is feeling sad but if we tell him the truth than he won't be able to take it. I go towards him. I hugged him at once. 

"No, he hasn't forgotten us. It's just he is busy. He will be soon with us." I said and he nodded but I know he was crying.

"Where is Joel?" I asked.

"He is sleeping." He said and I nodded.

"You go and wake him. I am coming in few minutes." I said and he nodded and went out from the room. I sat down over the bed and saw my dad too sat beside me.

"Dad it is so hard to tell them both that their is very little chance that their father will come back home." I said and this thing was killing me inside.

"I know it is very hard for you. But I guess you still need space and I think you should tell then the truth." He said and I nodded.

"You freshen up and come downstairs." He said and I nodded.

"He is not here. He is still somewhere in the middle of life and death." I said to myself.

Flashback  (1 year back)

"Mike!!!" I said and found that he fall down on the ground and he was hit in his neck. I couldn't see him like this.

"You bi*** because of you, he got the shot. This shot was suppose to be yours." Céleste said and suddenly cops came upon and capture her and also her partner. They quickly called the ambulance. Mike was unconscious and I was panic. I don't know what should I do in this.

"Mrs. Watson?" One of the copy said and I nodded weakly. My eyes were not leaving Mike. " Ambulance has arrived." He said and they take him inside the ambulance. I called my father. After few rings he picked up

"Dad..." I said. I was still shock that Mike was shot. Not really. He had taken the bullet for me.

"What happened Athena? You are okay?" I shook my head but knowing that he can't see. I have to speak.

"No dad...... Mike is shoot." I said. There was silence.

"I am coming. Tell me in which hospital you are taking him." He said and I told him and he said that he would be their in few minutes. We come to the hospital and saw Ember over their she was having a small belly.

"Athena, what happened?" She asked. I explained her everything and she was shocked.

"I knew that Céleste was a evil." She said and I nodded. My mind was nowhere but on Mike who was fighting between life and death.

"He will be fine." Ember said and I nodded weakly.

"Athena." I head my dad and went towards him and he embraced me in his arms and I broke down.

"Athena, don't cry. He will be alright." He said but my tears wouldn't listen to me.

"Yeah, Athena, he will be fine after all he has to be with you till eternity." I heard Mike's mother voice and looked up and found her. I found his dad was also present but twins were not there.

"Where are kids?" I asked.

"They are at home. We thought it is not appropriate to tell them about this now." He said and I nodded.  And he asked how all this happened and I explained them everything and then we started to wait for the operation to get completed.

Many hours went by which were like days to me. Doctor came out from the room.

"Doctor how is he?" I asked him.

"Are you his family member?" He asked.

"Yes, I am his wife." I said and he nodded.

"We had put out the bullet but...." He paused. "He had went into the coma. And we don't know for how long he will be in that." When he said those words. It take out my soul from my body.

"What are you saying?" I said.

"I am sorry. We might have saved him but he went into coma." He said and went away.  I fall on the ground and tear started to come out from my eyes. Everyone came towards me to hold me but I was broken. Though he is alive but he is far from me.

Flashback Ends

Everything had changed in this one year. Finally I got my company back and I am permanently settle myself into New York. And Mike too was brought to New York. Mike's father is handling his works till now and kids are asking about him. Ember is blessed with another baby girl and they named her Sue. She is adorable and Ember currently having the rest.

Suddenly my phone buzzed up and I picked it up and the news which I heard was unbelievable. I quickly ran downstairs and saw my father.

"Dad" I said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"He woke up" I said

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