Eight - Hide Through Fear

Start from the beginning

"Cal what the hell, you've been out here -" Ashton's voice stopped. "Why are you crying..?"

"Ash, you need to rethink your situation with Luke." Calum said.

"No, man, Calum I told you." Ashton huffed.

"He'll be ruined without you!" Calum argued.

"So? What about me? I'm sure Luke is okay." Ashton sighed.

"No, no no Ash. He is not okay, he's not." Calum pleaded.

"Calum I'm done talking about this." Ashton snapped. "I'm done with Luke."

I didn't mean to, I swear I didn't, but a choking cry managed to fall from my mouth and echo in the area around me.

"What was that?" Ashton's voice rang out and I wanted to cuss myself out. Footsteps moved closer and closer and I would get up and run if it didn't make so much noise.

"Ash let's just go back to class." Calum said but it was too late. Ashton peered his head in the stairwell an at first looked right over me before his eyes went wide a the sight of me. I wanted him to stay away, he did not want to.

"D-D-Don't come near m-me." I stuttered as I shook my head and Ashton stopped in his path. I stood up and began to make my way up the first steps.

"Luke!" Ashton called. "Where are you going?"

"You-You don't want t-to be around me any-anyways." Dammit I hated that stutter, it always got worse when I was nervous.

"I.." Ashton had no response. We both know he said it, and there was nothing for him to say. So I walked up the stairs and eventually out of the school.

As soon as I stepped foot into the crisp air I felt my stomach twist, I've never ditched school but I couldn't be here anymore.

I felt so bad for Ashton..I left him in the dark, although he was planning to do it to me, I wanted to come forward, tell Ashton the truth but then..Well then what? I crush him and he ends up dating me out of pity? No way. But otherwise, he dates a fake me? I don't know what's worse. All I know at this point is that I can't have Ashton.

And it's ripping me to shreds.

[A/N: ABUSIVE SCENE, YOU MAY WISH TO SKIP. IT SHALL END THE CHAPTER. But honestly it might help to read.]

However the slightest feeling of it not being able to get worse is when I opened the door an within a couple of seconds I was punched in the jaw with enough force to crumple me to the ground.

"Hey boy." My father spit about me. "What do you think you're doing home? Don't you dare think I'm stupid, I know school doesn't end for another hour. And I saw you out there crying."

"I-I left school." I whimpered as I raised myself slightly off the ground.

"Is it because you're stupid?" My father chuckled.

"No." I shook my head.

"Are you saying you're not stupid?" My father snarled.

"No, I-I'm an i-idiot." I stuttered and instantly got a kick to the side before getting picked up by the scruff of my shirt.

"What did I say about that stutter?" My father snarled.

"Stutters are for t-the worthless." I mumbled, quoting what he's often told me.

"And what about mumbling!?" He was losing his temper.

"Mumbling is for the pansies." I swallowed hard.

"And crying?"

"Crying is for those with nothing between their legs." I said.

"Remember that, boy." He snarled. He let me go before pushing me down onto the ground, to where I caught myself on my arm and screamed in pain.

"Oh what's that I saw?" My father chuckled. "Not only is my son worthless but he's a freak too. Well, I got just the thing for you." I began to pull myself off the ground when my father came back with a bottle of alcohol and poured it down my sleeves. Letting it burn. I screamed and tried to get away, but a hand to the face was what was delivered to me.

"That should help." My father spit, throwing the bottle to he wall before walking out of the house and leaving me a crying wreck.

I changed out if my uniform and into sweatpants and a long sleeved black shirt before laying on the couch, crying and sobbing while the burning feeling didn't stop my face kept stinging.

And the emotional pain is adding to the physical pain while I laid unable to control my pitiful cries.


Well that was certainly sad.

I hope you had a good day though. :)

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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