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        Schools been such a drag. At least no one knows of my "talents". I was almost caught one, walking down a path in the woods of my backyard, levitating rocks and what not. You wouldn't believe it either, but Gavin was back. That annoying twat, always showing up like he owns the place. I quickly grabbed the rocks and threw them. "Hey uh, Maisie right... or was it Madeline?" Idiot couldn't even get my fake name right.

        "Actually it's Alice, I gave you a fake name before, didn't expect to see you again." I said rolling my eyes. 'Oh' was all he said before asking why I was out in woods alone. I shrugged and looked around "It's just ind of peaceful. And pretty." He nodded, sitting on a nearby rock. After a while of the silence, I began walking away, with him following. "Go away please." I said walking faster, in which he just matched my pace. "Now why would I do that? Don't you like me?" he asked naively. "No I actually just don't want you around." I replied. "So you do like me." he smirked putting his arm over my shoulder. 

        "I never said that, so stop assuming such non-sense."

        "I think it's adorable hoe you're in denial." I finally did it, I figured him out. I chuckled stopping and leaning against a tree. He stopped as well turning to look at me. "You're Gavin..."

        "I hadn't noticed, thank you for telling me." he interrupted

        "Shush, I'm not done. You're Gavin, charming, ladies-man, the flirt Gavin." He laughed a little at that asking me to continue. " You're stubborn and get what you want, which will also make you some what inpatient too." I said looking him up and down. " You're popular, I bet my life you are. You can have any girl but would prefer to be solo, and love living that way. You don't play sports and get good grades, but around your friends you'd rather act like an idiot. You don't mind school events but would rather spend your nights at home playing video games. You're Gavin, some popular flirty nerd guy." I finished , feeling pretty darn proud of myself. As if this was some kind of achievement.

        That's when he started smiling, "Well, you're Alice the mysterious goth girl from another country. You rarely talk and when that does happen you usually say a smart remark, insult, or blunt opinion. You're most likely smart as well but don't care enough to show it. You'er a different kind of nerd, you're the one that's dark and everyone wants to know, but they're to scared to talk to you because of that same thing. They might start rumors but that wouldn't bother you, nope not even a little. Yet under the rock hard facade is a vulnerable little girl, scared to let he guard down. You hold a dark secret and I wanna know it. I wanna know what makes you so....... mysterious.  That's al I can say about you for now but I'm sure there's more." He said smiling.

        With that I just walked away, "I'm not even going to amuse your stupid theory." I said folding my arms. "Why do you do that so much?" he said causing me to turn around.

        "Why do I do what?" I said glaring

        "That! That very thing, why are you so mean and alone, why don't you accept me as you're freind? Why do you act so mean?"

        "Maybe I'm not acting mean, maybe I have a good reason for it, you don't know me or my life." I said turning and walking away again. "No one one does and no one can." she mumbled walking away.

Monster On the RunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz