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When we got to the front of the building I saw them three guys, not that attractive to be honest. They were pointing at girls laughing and shouting numbers. Ione hide behind me slightly and mumbled, "Those are the guys who were talking about us." As if I couldn't figure that out myself. I started walking towards them until someone pulled on my sleeve. "What are you doing, they're just going to talk about you too, what if you're lower then I am?" it was Ione, she can be such a wimp sometimes.

"I won't care because looks don't really mater to me to be honest, and they aren't that great either." I tugged my arm away walking over towards them. One pointed at me and whispered a very loud '1 and a half.' to his friends and they laughed. "How?" I asked looking down. "If anything I would be a 4 at the very least." they laughed even louder and some idiot with dark hair said, "Well just look at you, what are you some kind of vampire?" 

"Yeah are you going to suck or blood?" he said in a Dracula voice, wow they really are as dumb as I thought they would be. Like honestly, this isn't healthy. "Are you serious, you just don't like my style well that's dumb. But thank you for your.......criticism?" I walked away and told Ione and Star what they said. "Well that's foolish, if anything they should say we're ugly for our face or weight or something, although I believe everyone is beautiful in their own way." she's always like this.

"Yeah we got it Star, life is a blessing, happiness is the best penis, everyone is great!" I rolled my eyes and we went to the cafeteria sitting in our usual spot. There were others there too. But I don't really talk to them much. Actually the only other person I did talk to was the student body president Michelle Aregger. She's a pale skinned girl with dyed blonde hair and a nice smile The only reason I talk to her is because she likes to get my opinion on things which makes no sense to me but whatever.

I sat down with my bowl of oat meal and poked at it looking around. Ione had her usual waffles and bacon, or I guess it's called facon. She gets it made just for her because she's a vegetarian and likes bacon. Just imagine that, let it sink in and everything. Ione had bowl of fruit salad and some orange juice, because you can never have too much fruit in your life. As soon as we sat down they started talking to everyone.

After some time a lot of people left to their dorms or to class, it was going to be starting in about an hour. And just my luck those idiots came waltzing in. "Don't look now but here come the tres diablos." Star said rolling her eyes. Ione smiled, "If you look past the fact that they're are rude and ignorant, they could actually be pretty funny and quite adorable!"

"Then why don't you marry them?" I asked face palming. She was literally just talking about how horrible they were fifteen minutes ago. "Oh look it's the vampire! Why aren't you eating outside, the sun to hot for you?" The blonde said high fiving the short one. "Nice one Ryder!" "Hey guys I got one. Are you all monsters, because you're pretty ugly like them." They laughed sitting at our table. We all glared at them and I whispered to Ione, "Are they still adorable and charming?" "Not even close." They sat staring at us and us glaring at them.

"Come on ladies, say something pretty, maybe we'll give you a compliment." Ryder said smirking. Ugh he's like if Gavin decided to be a douche. "As grand as that would be I actually would rather eat shit straight from the dog then have you attempt at saying something nice." Star left leaving out, "I'm going to our dorm room." I looked at Ione, I'd leave too, but she's so sensitive that who knows how they'd take advantage of her.

"Ione would you like to go somewhere else or do something else or anything at all?" She shook her head, "No I'm still eating, I shouldn't have gone up for seconds." she looked down rubbing her stomach. The boys laughed. "I can't believe we didn't notice this before. Hey Daniel you would say she looks kind of fat right?" One asked looking at the shortest one. "Yeah she does look a bit chubby!" he chuckled. "Do you just take joy in making people feel bad about themselves? Are you upset that no girl would waste their time on a couple of guys like you when there are supermodels-in-waiting just walking around the school."

"Um excuse me, but did she really say we aren't models?" Ryder said looking ever so flabbergasted. I'm guessing he's not the talented one. Daniel gasped loudly putting his hand in his chest, "I can not believe it!" They both stood up looking at each other then walked to the end of the cafeteria. The darker haired one started speaking, "Introducing the best models since modeling began, RYDER AND DANIEL!!! Boost and Pants and Boots and pants." he started making a sound like weird beat boxing. Oh god, this is going to be bad. Ryder started walking back first looking, dare I say it, fierce. He then got to the front of the table he did a pose and winked at Ione.

Then Daniel came walking by sashaying harder then female models do and and took off his shirt flexing, "Oh boy, what a show. No really I'd love to see your flabs again but we actually have classes." I grabbed Ione pulling her away. "Noo Ali please I want one. I want the blonde one. Please for my birthday." she pleaded looking back. "No Ione, eye candy is bad for you, it'll rot your eyes." I got her in class and we sat down pulling out our notebooks and binders. I carry her stuff because she's too lazy and I don't mind it really.

This could possibly  be the most normal thing to happen to me at school. I pull out my writing about todays events.

October 21, Monday

It's been a while you know, why are you still here. I'm pretty sure with my bad luck you're probably magic too and can walk away. I guess I've been pretty busy, plus over the weekend  left you at school so yeah, sorry about that. Either way though you stayed and you have to hear this. So I met three guys, no this isn't a love at first sight thing what am I 12. Anyways they're complete idiots. An entire waste of my time. But they're also funny so what the hey right. Life is so complicated. You know, I actually accepted an invitation to meet more people. I know I THINK I'M GOING CRAZY OR SOMETHING. No I am not over exaggerating, you are. I was hoping you could help me get my friend to stop obsessing over them, they aren't that great. Also I've noticed that there is a guy who watches me and sometimes follows me around at school. I hope he doesn't go into the girls dorms and stuff. Ugh just thinking about it, gross!

                                                                                                                Please Forgive me,

                                                                                                The Might A M 

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