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        I finally found somewhere, it's far but there's a place to stay for a while and it'll be easy to get into a school. New York, where big things happen, hopefully nothing too big. I printed all the information I needed and walked quickly to my room, that is until I was stopped by blabber mouth A and B. 

        "Oh hey Alice, you know besides the whole mean goth thing, you're really cool and I wish you would spend more time with us." Daylor said with the most fake smile possible. While her roadie echoed, agreeing with her. "I would love to but I don't like you guys." I said walking around them. Idiots as if I was going to fall for their trap, just like Daijah did. Daylor stereotyped mean girl, for someone with nothing she sure acts like she's got a lot. You know the rich popular girl you all hate in those movies about a girl in high school, well that was her without the rich part. Ashley, she isn't the stupid blonde or what ever, she's more of a follower but she's smart enough to follow her own path. I'd ask why she follows Daylor, but I don't really care. Both arrived around the same time, as far as I know.

        "Your lose, me and Ashley were going to break open the back door and explore." She said trying to persuade me. I'm not and idiot, she clearly made that up right now. If she didn't Ashley would have agreed immediately instead of that late head nod. "Good for you, have fun getting covered in bugs." And with those words I walked away and packed up.

        Later that night while everyone was supposedly asleep, I snuck out my room and down the hall to the main entrance. Right before I could walk out though I was interrupted by Keane, of all the times he sneaked up on me, this was by far the worst. "Alice what are you doing?" He asked as if it wasn't already clear I was leaving. "It's nothing of your concern" I said looking at him, waiting for him to leave. He didn't. Instead he sat down and stared at me. I wasn't falling for that again, it's his look of persuasion if he gives that look you feel tempted to tell him everything.

        "You know you can tell me anything right, it's not like I know many people I can tell secrets to." He said trying to persuade me. "I know, but somethings are better kept quiet." I said bluntly turning around to leave again, when I was interrupted once more. "HA I TOLD YOU!! Ms. Winney I told you Alice would try sneaking out today." Daylor said pointing at me, the dorm advisor standing next to her. "Alice you know you aren't allowed out after dark and where do you think you're going with all those bags?"She asked I'm sure it was rhetorical though.

        "Miss please excuse me, but I'm just leaving it's not like anyone is going to adopt me anyways." I said back "That's where you're wrong, a lovely woman called this morning for a child that is a teen and well behaved as well as good with children who like to fight. You are always helping around the younger kids dorm, and stopping fights, don't cause trouble, and you're 14." There are plenty of people here like that, why did she choose me? Probably trying to get rid of me "When will they be here?" I asked. Ms. Winney smiled saying the worst sentence know yet. "You'll be leaving tomorrow!" She said it like I was going to jump for joy. This is fantastic I have to meet two complete strangers tomorrow to go live with them. "Great, I'm ecstatic." I said as blandly as possible

        I went back to my room things still packed and just sat in bed. This is the worst possible outcome. How do I know I can even trtust them, and what about if I have another out burst. I quickly picked up my journal and began writing.

        June 14, 2014

        Great news I'm leaving, and it's not how you think. I wasn't able to escape before that annoying brat ratted me out. I apparently have people coming tomorrow to pick me up. Looks like I have a "family" now. Isn't that the greatest news ever. I didn't think so. Why do they need a teen that's good with children anyways, I bet they already have a huge family. I don't like not knowing what's going on. And if they called this morning why was I just recently told this night? Secrets are never fun if you're not the one holding them, and even still they can be a baring.

                                                                                                        Sincerly, The All Powered Alice

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